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What The Lord Said To Me Today
The Serpent On The Pole

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I've been reading some prophecy tonite from one of our new members. She has not posted anything to the group yet, but I've got a feeling we'll all be blessed when she does. May she do so as the LORD leads her. In any event, when I read prophecy, I begin to desire to prophesy, as the Spirit of the Lord stirs within me.

I had the great blessing to live on a ranch for three years of my life. This ranch was located on the edge of the Everglades in Western Palm Beach County, Florida in an area known as Loxahatchee. I could not see another house from my front yard, Sometimes, I would take my shotgun out and do a little target practice in the front yard. So, you get the picture.

It was not an unusual occurrence to see snakes in my yard. Once in a while, they would get into the house. When this happened, it changed the way we walked around the house for a little while, if you know what I mean. Even after we would catch the creatures, I know that I was a little bit apprehensive about a late night stroll downstairs to the kitchen.

Can you imagine living in the camp of Israel during the time described in the Exodus, when the camp was invaded by poisonous snakes? People were dying left and right. It must have been impossible to do anything or go anywhere without extreme paranoia, looking left and right for snakes. Therefore, imagine the challenge of the cure: Look UP! Look up at the serpent on the pole! It had to take faith for those Israelites to take their eyes off of the ground and look up. Don't look at those snakes on the ground.

Today, we are being told, as we have always known that we must do, to live holy lives, to consecrate ourselves, to stop sinning, to put away the things of this world. These are the snakes on the ground. But if we focus on them, we will not be looking up to the serpent on the pole.

Today, the Holy Spirit is telling you to take your eyes off the snakes. FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS! He is the serpent on the pole.

"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosover believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:13-14

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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