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What The Lord Said To Me Today
Better Off In Sodom

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Matthew 10:14-15

"And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."

Imagine that! We have a sort of popular Christian conception that Sodom and Gomorrha were number one on the Lord's "Hit Parade", but he gives us a different view. We are here speaking of city wide acceptance or rejection of the word of God.

If you were just passing through your city, preaching the gospel at the flea markets and shopping malls, the courthouse steps and the boardwalks and riverwalks, would you be accepted or rejected in your city?

I know! You live there. You own a home. You are not going to shake the dust off your feet when you are are simply going to go home and return to your church service and pretend that all is well in your city. But, what is the real condition of your city? Will it's fate be better or worse than that of Sodom in the judgement?

In Hollywood, Florida, for example, I preached in the open air for six months, every Friday night. I preached the pure and simple gospel of Christ. Less than 5 people accepted the Lord in that open air appeal at the beach, on Hollywood's boardwalk. Thousands of people heard the gospel being preached, but only a handfull could be bothered with it. Yes, on certain nights, hundreds were frozen in place...stopped in their tracks by the Lord as I preached. They were in the valley of decision. They will never be able to tell Jesus that they never heard the truth presented. They were frozen...transfixed...on one night I remember quite clearly. Yet, only a couple responded.

Have I wept for Hollywood Florida? Not nearly enough. How about Margate, where I live?

Two years ago, I cooked bar b que chicken and the trimmings for my whole apartment complex. I held the event at our community pool and deck. There are 132 apartments in the complex. I fed them first, about 125 of them. Then, I presented the gospel. Most of them were polite, stayed, and heard the appeal. One man accepted Christ and was baptized.

Have I wept over the condition of Margate? I'm ashamed to say it. Not nearly enough.

No, I wasn't passing through. I live here. I've tried to preach the gospel here, but the soil is very hard and the converts are few. If Jesus comes today, I cannot confidently boast that any South Florida city will fare better than Sodom. And yet, do I cry out enough for these cities...that God would soften the hearts of the people...give them ears to hear the gospel...give them a desire for it? Not nearly enough.

How about you and your city? God is sending missionaries to America! Did you know that? They are coming from Nigeria, and Cameroon, and South America. They are coming here without a purse...preaching and walking by faith. And yes, they are going from city to city. Some are even shaking some dust off. Are we praying for them? Not nearly enough.

How will it be for your city? In the time that remains, what should we do about it?

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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