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Shadow People are mostly described as human looking silhouettes or a shapeless mass/vaporous that sometimes changes into a more human shape. Most reports of them are that there are no facial features but there have been reports that some have seen red eyes.

EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields)

Under the right conditions, electromagnetic fields can interfere with the functions of the temporal lobe; creating altered states of perception in which auditory and visual hallucinations can occur. Using electromagnetic fields, researchers have been able to recreate many of the experiences reported during paranormal encounters under laboratory conditions, including those of shadow people.

All the pictures on this page were created by me.

One night I watched a program on Sci-Fi. The story they told did grab my attention because it was about the paranormal, and it was called Children of the Grave. On this show the investigators did not impress me and a few things in the show really turned me off because a lot of the show seemed, well to be blunt, fake. Of course what I feel or say about the show is truly my opinion.

I did record the show but I really do not intend to watch it again in fact I taped over the show because it was really, really bad. One of the teams that were in the show well, I just had to do some research on them. I did go to their website and again the word "fake" comes to mind once again. There are a couple of pictures that I shook my head at because I know how they can be created by using certain software programs. Just because the picture has a date and time stamp on it does not mean that picture can not be altered.

One picture they had is of Shadow People standing along a dirt road.There are four shadow people in this one picture and it seemed like they were posing for the picture.

Here is the email I sent that team about a picture they had on their site.

They did take that one picture off their site. In my opinion they need to take off others.

By the way, all pictures on this page of Shadow people are creations.

Ok, I believe in there could be such things as shadow people but this picture on their website was just, in my opinion, very unbelievable. I have made a couple of examples of pictures of "Shadow People", the making these pictures are very easy to do. When people do such a thing it takes the credibility away from the research true investigators do and that is the problem I have.

Now I may be wrong about the picture on that web site, but in my opinion I really feel that I am right.

I have since sent them an email and also recreated part of their picture, they have taken the picture off their website but I still feel some of their other pictures are questionable.

I will not post their picture due to copyrights.

The picture below is a picture I took of the ruins of a Sugar Mill. I then took a picture of my sons great great Grandfather and turned him into a apparition. These type of pictures are very easy to do. I have seen a few photo shopped pictures in different forums that people are trying to pass off as real. Apparently these people have not grown up.

No shadow people here but...

now we have shadow people!!

Once again I do believe there are shadow people, but when someone uses trickery in making fake pictures, it takes the creditability away from the true researchers out there. I do not believe a shadow person is going to pose for a picture, do you? If you think so, be sure to have them say "cheese"!

TKA Copyright ©2008 All rights reserved.

Please be aware that the design of this site is something I have made from my heart and my mind. I have used all resources available to me. From researching what I would like to project from cyberspace. I have not intentionally stolen, pirated, plagiarized, pilfered, or any of the other "bad" things that could be thought of. I have not removed anything from a site that "strictly forbids" me to do so. I am not selling any of these particular graphics to make money. Although, I believe an artist deserves not to have a "creation" stolen, I do believe they should take care to either watermark it or not display it in a way that it could be taken. In closing, I hope we can at least show a little consideration for all, regardless which side of the fence your on. Me? I'm in the comfortable and peaceful middle. If you are the artist of any of the items please email and let me know.
The graphics on this website were made using Gimp and Paint Shop. Some of the brushes used were found at Deviant Art the creator of these brushes can be found here



Shadow People





