¤ Chapter 22 ¤

We walked around for about 15 minutes and he was still introducing me to people.

“Jen this is Mark and Jessie and Samantha”

“Hi. Nice to meet you.” I said with a smile. They all seemed like such nice people.

“And last but not least this is my best friend over here..” he said as we walked across the room to the fireplace where a guy was standing talking to about 2 other guys. He turned around and looked at me.

“Jen this is...” David started

“Devin.” I said

“You two already know wach other?”

“Unfortunately. David this doesn’t say much for you. Devin is the rudest asshole I’ve ever met. Get yourself some new friends cuz.” I said placing my hands on my hips

“Oh what happened?”

“Let’s not go into this.” Devin said. “Jen can we talk in about an hour. I really don’t want to have you mad at me. Especially since David is your cousin.”

“ok fine whatever.”

“I saw you on TRL back a little while ago.”

“Awesome so you saw my stupid bitchy ass on there with my prick friends?”

“Jen come on.”

“Oh and did you see I’m marrying my “prick” boyfriend?” I said shoving my ring finger in his face “And I’m having his baby too! Gee is my baby going to be a prick too?”

“Listen I’m sorry now stop before you start a scene.”

“Honey, you started a scene the day your ugly ass poped out of your mama. Now listen I’ve got better stuff to do! Later PRICK!” I said waving good-bye.

“Well, well. I see you two are the best of friends” David said following behind me.

“Yea right. That dude crossed the line calling the guys Pricks and me a bitch. I’m not forgiving him that easy.”

“Ok well at least give him a chance to apologize later.”

“Oh I will. He can have his 2 seconds.”

Well I mingled for a good hour and met some really cool people from school. It was about 10:30 and I was on my way out the door when Devin approached me reaking of alcohol.

“Jen, come on we need to talk now.”

“Oh ok. You can have 5 minutes but I have to go soon. It’s really late.”

“Ok well lets go up to Dave’s room and talk it’s too loud down here.”

We went up the stairs and made a right turn into David’s room.

“Ok talk Devin.” I said as I watched him shut and lock the door.

We sat on the bed and he began.

“I’m really sorry about that night Jen. I guess I was a little jelous cause I had an instant attraction to you.”

“That’s why you said what you said? Don’t you think you went a little overboard?”

“Yea I did that’s why I’ma pologizing. I hope we can start over and be friends.”

“Sure that sounds good.” I smiled. We stood up and he hugged and then started to kiss me. “What are you doing?” I said loudly.

“I just wanted a kiss. We’re friends aren’t we?”

“Frenching me isn’t a friendship kiss.”

“Well let’s be more than friends. Come on you know you want me.” He said pushing his body against mine pushing me closer and closer to the bed.

“Come on Devin this isn’t funny let me go. I have to go home now.”

“You’re not going anywhere. You’re all mine now” he said finally knocking me on the bed. I tried to get away but he was straddled on top of me unbottoning my shirt as I continued to fight to get away.

“Devin get the fuck off of me. I can’t do this! I don’t love you! I love Lance! I’m engaged and I’m pregnant, leave me alone” I said.trying to knee him but it didn’t work. He had me down so hard with his muscular body smothering me. The only thing I could do was play along and hope to get out of here safely. I took a deep breath and organized a quick plan.

“Devin, you know what? I just realized I do want you. Come on. Fuck me hard baby. I need you right now. come on hurry up.” I said as I reached for his zipper. He willingly gave in and whipped it out.

“You want the Dev man don’t you baby. Come and get it.” he said trying to get under my skirt.

“NO! Not there yet. I want to pleasure you baby. You know you want some oral pleasure now come here.” he willingly scotted up my body and rested on my chest and placed his dick right at my mouth. I couldn’t belive I was about to do this but it was the only way I was getting out of here. I playful circled his tip with my tongue then began involving the whole shaft. He was enjoying it I could tell by his moans of joy. I felt him about to cum in my mouth which I wasn’t too thrilled about but it happened before I had time to get it out. I couldn’t stand it so I had to spit it out imediately making sure he didn’t notice. I continued my oral actions and when he wasn’t expecting it I bit as hard as he could and he jumped off of me and and grabbed his crotch.

I got up and made a run for it out the door but the door wouldn’t unlock in time. He grabbed me and through me against the wall and knocked me to the floor. I stumbled to get up and when I did he punched me in the face twice knocking me to the bed. I didn’t quite know what was going on but I didn’t give up I tried to get out with all my might but it just kept getting worse. He kept punching me, several times again in the face and many tunes ub ny stomach. I began to worry and cry knowing what harm not only I was in but also my baby.

“Devin let me go! Please!” I begged with him.

He slugged me his hardest in my face knocking me out. “Bitch”

There I laid helpless and out. He tied me to the bed with ropes and duck taped my mouth so I couldn’t scream when I came to.His plan went through as planned. He had raped and beaten me and knocked me out. He was satisfied and decided it was time to go downstairs and hang with everyone else.

“Hey Dev.” David said walking over to Devin who was now chilling on the couch. “Where’s Jen at?”

“OH she left about a half an hour ago. She said to tell you bye.”

“Oh ok cool. So what time are you guys taking off?

“About 5 minutes. You said this party is over at 11 right?”

“Yea everyone is leaving now. Well I’m heading upstairs now dude I gotta get up at 6 in the morning.”

“Ok Ok I get the point we’re out of here. Later dude.” Devin said up as he and the other 30 guests left. David’s parents were out of town so he locked the doors and headed to his room. When he opened the door he saw me laying there on his bed tied up and unconcious.

“Oh my god Jen. Wake up.” He said shaking me, he tried for about 3 minutes then called 911 and had an ambulance sent immediately. In the meantime he got on the phone and called my Aunt who was there in less than 5 minutes.

“Oh my god., who did this to my baby?” She screamed when she walked in and saw the sight.

“I don’t know for sure but I have a feeling it was Devin. He brought her up here to talk to her and he smelt badly of alcohol all night. But he told me she left.” Just then the paramedics came running through the house. They got me out of the ropes and rushed me off to the hospital with my Aunt in the front of the ambulance.

“Does she have any problems we need to know about?” they asked my Aunt as the unloaded me.

“No but she is pregnant.” she screamed as the ran through the doors.

“Well just to inform you she has some severe abdominal bruises the way things look she may have lost the baby but the nurses will get back to you within the hour.” the one paramedic who remained outside said.

“Oh my god.”

“Just go inside and wait ma’am I’m sure it won’t take long for them to give you a diagnosis on her.”

“Thank you I will but I’ve got to contact some people first, excuse me she said as she walked away. She pulled the list of phone numbers from her purse. She dialed Lance at first. His cell was not in service at the moment so she went to the next number in line, Joey. Ir rang 4 times as Joey jumped out of bed and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” He said followed by a cough

“Joey? This is Jen’s Aunt, Lindsay.” she said.

“Oh Hi, What’s wrong?”

“I tried to contact Lance and his phone isn’t working. It’s an emergency.”

“Oh my god is Jen alright?” he said as he sat down.

“No, they just brought her into the hospital about 5 minutes. Please can you get Lance on the phone now.”

“Hold on he’s in the other room” Joey replied as he walked across the hall in his boxers and knocked on Lance’s door. It took him awhile but Lance finally came to the door.

“Joey, what the hell do you want? It’s 4 am.”

“It’s Jen’s Aunt. I think you better take it.” Joey said. Lance looked into Joey’s eyes and saw how serious he was. He walked away from the door and sat on the bed in the dark room.

“Hello?” he said softly.

“Lance.” she replies

“What’s wrong?” He says knowing things weren’t right.

“It’s Jen. I’m at the hospital right now. She told you about the party she was going to right?”

“Yea, why what happened?”

“Well Devin was there and he got her in her cousin’s bedroom and beat her up and bruised her pretty badly and then he raped her.” Lance’s heart fell and their was a moment of silence. “Lance?” she asked.

“Is she alright?”

“She’s been out for about the past 45 minutes to an hour and she’s bruised on her face but aparently she has severe abdominal bruising too. They’ve got her being checked out now. This is a good hospital they’ll help her all they can. But they are worried.”

“About what?”

“The paramedic told me with abdominal marks like she has that she was beaten pretty hard and she might loose the baby. Things aren’t looking to good.” she began to cry

“Oh my god. This can’t be happening. Listen I’m going to catch a flight out there as soon as I can. I’ll be there within hours.” “You can’t just leave promo’s. Just stay there.” “I can’t. I’ve got to be there for her. I can’t lose her or that baby. I’m coming.” he hung up and sat there with tears Joey comforted him and he told him what was wrong. He called the airport and got a flight home and left with just telling Joey. The trip was about 12 hours in legnth luckily they were in England. They awoke and were furious but when Joey told them they were worried and called Tiffany,Kristin, and Alana to see if they had heard yet which they hadn’t and they all were taking a plane to Orlando.

My Aunt had gone to the waiting room and fell asleep. She awoke when Kristin and Alana arrived.

“She’s in room 958 but only one person is allowed back at a time.”

“Ok well I’m going to go back now. I’ll be out shortly.”

Kristin walked in and sat by my side. She was talking to me and about childhood memories and about the road our friendship had taken and so on, but I hadn’t heard any of it.

Shortly after Tiffany, Alana, and my Aunt walked in.

“They said we can all sit back here since we’re all so worried so make yourselves comfortable girls. And pray she wakes up.” Lindsay said as they all pulled up chairs and sat by my bed.

Around noon a nurse peeked in the door and then opened the door further and Lance walked in. Lindsay got up and hugged him and thanked him for coming so soon. Everyone left the room and left us alone he sat in the chair where Kristin had been and held my hand and began to talk to me.

“Jen, it’s me. I came all the way from Europe for you. I’m here. I really need you to wake up because my heart is breaking sitting here not knowing the fate of our life together.”

His touch was so familiar and the tone of his voice brought something inside of me to the surface. I could hear every word he said and I was hurtin so badly. Not so much from the bruises but to have Lance sitting there upset and I couldn’t come to and hug him and tell him I was going to be fine and how much I loved him, even though I knew he knew that. He had spent an hour with me, hand in hand. He got up to go talk to the doctors about how I was doing as he neared the door I cried out for him.

“Lance.” I said in a moderate tone.

He slowly walked towards me and sat on the edge of the bed. “Jen?”

“Lance, is that you?”

“Yea baby it is. How are you feeling?”

“Awful. I’m so sore you wouldn’t believe it. Why am I in the hospital?” I asked obviously aware of my surroundings.

“Well do you remember that party last night?”

“A little bit. I met a lot of people.” I moaned in pain. “And that Devin jerk was there and I showed him up and told him how I was engaged and pregnant with your baby and he admited that he was jelous and wanted to be friends and that’s all I really remember.”

“Jen, Devin raped you last night after he beat you up. David found you last night after he left, tied in his bed.”

“I don’t remember any of it. I can’t believe he raped me. Oh Lance you aren’t mad at me are you:? I didn’t mean to do any of that.”

“No I’m not mad at you! Why would I be. I’m here for you. They’re going to take a case against him and he’ll most likely go to jail for awhile so don’t you worry.” I smiled. “But Jen there is another thing. They thought you may have lost the baby because of where he hit you. They said things seemed fairly normal but they still want to keep you here for a few days until they know you and the baby are going to be fine.”

“Oh no, Lance, I don’t want to lose our baby.”

Chapter 23