¤ Chapter 19 ¤

“Well... I had Kristin take me to the doctor’s today cause ya know I haven’t been feeling too swell since I came with you guys and...I found out that.... I’m gonna have a baby.” I finally said.

“Oh, that’s great. Congratulations. But why don’t you want to tell anyone?”

“Well you know when I was joking around everyone was saying how awful it was and everything and I am so afraid of losing Lance. What would I do without him JC? He’s the one guy I have ever been able to talk to about anything. But when it comes to this I’m avoiding him.” “It’s not awful. We said it was awful cause you were there laughing and joking about it. This is real, it’s a whole different story. Lance wouldn’t leave you. He loves you too much. I’ve never seen the guy this crazy about anyone. Trust me just tell him.” “I can’t.” I said looking down at my bed and picking up Taylor.

“What if I helped you?”

“You would help me? How?”

“All we have to do is sit down with him. You do the talking and I’m there for you incase you can’t go through with it.”

“Umm I dunno but I guess I have to tell him. I mean it would be kinda weird to have this huge weight gain and then 9 months later have a kid you know. So when are we gonna tell him?”

“Right now.” JC said getting up and walking to the door to where everyone was watching TV.

“But JC...” I yelled but it was too late he had the door open.

“Lance could you come here for a second. Jen needs to talk to you.” JC said as I hid in my bunk. Lance got up and followed JC. Jc stopped at my bunk grabbed my arm and pulled me out. I gave Lance an innocent smile as he looked at me obviously very confused. The three of us walked to the kitchen area and sat down at the table. JC sat across from and Lance sat by my side and held my hand.

“Go ahead.” JC said looking at us. I turned to Lance and looked him directly in the eyes. I couldn’t do this, I knew inside he would hate me. “Come on.”

“What is it?” Lance asked.

“Lance, I really really love you. More than I’ve loved anything as a matter of fact. And I don’t want to lose you ever.”

“And you won’t. I love you with all my heart.” he replied with a smile.

“Ok. Well you know how I’ve been all sick lately?” he nodded. “Well I had Kristin take me to the doctor’s today and the doctor told me that she could give me some medicine to help me feel better some, but the problem wasn’t going away anytime soon.”

“Are you going to be ok?”

“Yeah I’m going to be fine, I’m just...” I looked over to JC and he signaled for me to go on. “I’m pregnant.” I said watching the smile on his face fade. I knew it, I shouldn’t have told him but it was something I had to do, it was his right to know after all he was the baby’s father. “Lance, are you mad?” I asked in a worried tone. He looked at me and smiled.

“Not one bit. I’m so happy I’m just in shock. So it’s real this time. No joke right?”

“Nope, this is the real thing. I’ve got a baby, our baby, growing right in here.” Lance grabbed my face and we embraced in a very passionate kiss forgetting JC was even there until he spoke up.

“Don’t get too carried away you two. That’s how you landed up like that Jen.” I gave him and evil glance and stuck my tongue out at him then went right back to Lance. Seconds later Joey came into the kitchen to get a snack.

“What’s up with them?” Joey asked JC.

“You’ll find out soon enough. They’re just two really happy kids right now.” Jc replied.

Not too long after we pulled into a rest stop where we were able to get off and take a half an hour break. Lance and I were the first ones off. Shortly after came the rest of the gang.

“Wow Lance what did she have to tell you. She’s all smiles now isn’t she.” Tiff said with Justin at her side.

“Yea, you’re never going to believe it.” Lance replied.

“It’s Jen. Nothing surprises me.” she joked in return.

“HA HA HA. You are so funny!” I laughed.

“Yea, I know. So what is it?”

“I’m pregnant.” I said all smiles.

“Jen, that is so great congrats.”

“Yea, but you two are kinda young to be starting a family.” Justin added.

“Well actually Justin.” Tiffany said turning to him. “I know a couple who is younger in the exact same situation.”

“Really? Who?” he inquired

“Us Justin.”

“What???” Justin said startled.

“I’m 6 weeks along Justin. I found out about a week ago and didn’t wanna say anything till I was actually here with you.” she said kissing his cheek while he stood in disbelief.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, you’re going to be a daddy Mr.Timberlake.” a slight grin appeared on his face.

“Tiff, that is so great.” I said.

“I know, so how far along are you?”

“About a month. I’m glad something explains the puking all the time.”

“Well I guess I’m a lucky one. I haven’t had any of that morning sickness crap.”

“I hate you! Shut up.” I joked.

“Isn’t this one big day of surprises?” Lance added to the conversation.

“Yea and no one else knows yet. We’ve got to tell them.” Tiffany said.

“Yea right, shit...” I said looking down.

“What is it?” Lance asked.

“I’ve gotta tell my dad. He won’t be able to take it.” “Why?”

“Remember the night at the restaurant when Claudia told me what a sin it was and how I was nothing but a little whore. What if my dad says that this time?” I said as tears drew near to my eyes.

“He’s your dad. He wouldn’t do that. Besides the bad blood between you two is over now. Who does know about this?”

“Well besides us four, JC and Seth. I left a message that I had something important to tell my Aunt....Oh well forget this for now let’s get something to eat then tell everyone.” They all agreed and we met up with everyone inside the rest stop.

Everyone was sitting at a table inside the empty rest stop watching Joey do what he does best next to singing and dancing, eating.

“So what was wrong with you Jen. Now you’re all happy again. What’s going on?”

“Oh nothing much. I’m just going to have a baby that’s about it.” I said taking a seat down with everyone.

Joey choked on his hamburger a little bit. “Are you serious.”


“Awesome. Can I be Uncle Joey?”

“Umm sure whatever you want Joey.” I said rolling my eyes. “But that’s not where the news ends is it Tiff?”

“Nope. I’m pregnant too.” Tiffany said.

“Tiffany? You’re pregnant too?” JC asked.


“Oh my god. I better call Erica and make sure she isn’t pregnant later.” JC joked.

“Oh dear wouldn’t that be cute all of you having pregnant girlfriends at the same time. That would totally be freaky.” I said.

“Yeah.” Justin said. “Well listen we gotta get ready to get out of here. Cause we have to be in California in 2 days for that concert and then Leno.”

“Oh yeah, Leno. I forgot about that. He’s always exciting same old questions. ‘So what have you guys been up to,’ ‘how’s the tour going’ God forbid if we actually had a unique interview for once.” Chris said getting a little angry.

“Did you forget the midol today Chris? I’ve got some in my purse if you need it.” I said to Chris who got up and walked off. In 5 minutes we were back on the bus and heading out west for California.

The drive was long. All we did was drive, drive, drive, but luckily I was able to have time to be alone and accomplish some things. It was now at least 3 hours after we had left the rest stop and everyone was in the back chillin’ watching TV and I sat out at the “kitchen” table with my school books while I had my 5ive cd blaring thru the cd player.

“Man this crap is so easy.” I said as I plugged the figures into my calculator.

“Well good you can take a break then.” Lance said as I jumped out of my seat from being startled.

“God don’t do that to me ever again.” I said playfully smacking him.

“Oh I see how it is. I’ll leave.” he pouted away.

“No, no, you are not leaving now that you interrupted everything.” I said pulling him back.

“Ok well in that case may I have this dance.” he asked extending his hand. I accepted as he pulled me close and we gently swayed to the music...

All the things I said, I should have said and didn’t say

And I wonder why, Yes I wonder why

I think about the time we spent, the places that we went

Still makes me cry, Yes it makes me cry

Why do they say that time will heal this broken heart

They would know it isn’t true

If they lost someone like you, Oh

Some things can never be replaced

Some things are with me for always

These are the things I will remember(When I remember when)

I’d rather love and lose it all

Then never have you to recall

These are the things I will remember, (again and again)

Again and again

(When I remember when)

You taught me how to love

I am all I am because of you, Just because of you

Everytime I lost my way

You shined the light and made my day

You see me through, Yes you see me through.

So who’s gonna come around to heal this broken heart

Show me how to laugh and cry

But never how to say goodbye

Some things can never be replaced

Some things are with me for always

These are the things I will remember(When I remember when)

I’d rather love and lose it all

Then never have you to recall

These are the things I will remember, (again and again)

Again and again

(When I remember when)

This life goes on and carry on you do and its OK

This love goes on and I will live to love another day

This life goes on and carry on you do and its OK

I would laugh and I would cry

But I will never say goodbye

Some things can never be replaced

Some things are with me for always

These are the things I will remember(When I remember when)

I’d rather love and lose it all

Then never have you to recall

These are the things I will remember, (again and again)

Again and again

(When I remember when)

When I remember when

~”When I remember when”, 5ive

“Thanks ever so much for the dance.” I said gently giving him a kiss.

“It was my pleasure. So how’s the school work coming?” he asked as we sat down at the table.

“Too well. I think it’s possible I’ll graduate my senior year with a 4.0 gpa this year this crap is so easy! It’s like taking me no time! I did all this stuff back in Maryland.”

“Well that doesn’t say too much for Florida. But if you need any help just let me know ok?” he offered.

“Sure thing, thanks. But I think I’m gonna go lay down in my bunk and stare at the ceiling cause this is really annoying. You wanna come?”

“Ok” he said following me. We laid in the bunk and talked and decided I should call some of my family to tell them about the baby. My Aunt was the first one, this time I actually got through....

“Aunt Lindsay, I have something I need to talk to you about.” I said quietly.

“I was going to call you later on, I got your message. What’s wrong. Is something wrong with you and Lance, I hope not.”

“Oh gosh no. He’s right here. But it has to do with both of us.”

“What is it sweetie?”

“I’m kinda gonna have a baby. I’m 4 weeks pregnant.”

“Oh Jen dear, 4 weeks? When did this happen?”

“I’m guessing the night of the party?”

“Hun, I didn’t want you to run into something like this. But I’m not mad. I’m happy for you I really am. So are you doing ok?”

“Yeah, Kristin took me to a doctor cause I was having morning sickness I guess and they gave me some pills and they seem to be working for me.”

“Ok that’s good. How did your dad take it?”

“Well I knew when I saw him last but I couldn’t tell him. He’s going to disown me Lindsay I know it.”

“He might overreact but he would never do that. He loves you I know it. But you call him and then tomorrow you let me know how it went. ok?”

“Ok I’m gonna call him and then Jeremy so I’ll talk to you later. Thanks Aunt Lindsay. Bye.”

“Bye” I hung up.

“I gotta call my dad now. This will be interesting.” I said as I took a deep breath and dialed the number. Surprisingly my dad was happy for me. At first he started with the “But you’re only 17 you’re just a baby yourself” crap but then he knew I was mature enough to handle the situation so all he did was congratulate me and Lance and told me I better bring the baby for visits when it comes. Next I called my brother and he was more than a little excited for me and so was Emily. They had thought they were gonna be the first to bring a baby into the Hunter family but I bursted their bubble.

We were out on the road to California for about 2 days till we arrived. We stayed in an extreamly plush hotel the night we arrived before the guys had to go tape The Tonight Show.

The next day we were up early and went shopping and got lunch out at some really magnificent restaurant. Later we all went back to the hotel and showered and changed and headed off to the studio where the show was being filmed in a black limo. We arrived about an hour before the show started and they took us back into the comfy green room that was equipted with a large television for guests to watch the show when they were back there waiting to come out. We all talked for awhile about what they thought Jay would ask them about and what they would talk about and then 30 minutes prior to the show Jay Leno walked in the greenroom to talk for awhile.

“Hey guys how ya doing, it’s good to have you back again.” he said shaking each of their hands.

“ Thanks for having us back.” JC said politely.

“ We’ve had a great demand for you to come back on the show. In fact tonight we have 3 of the biggest requested stars on. You will be on last tonight after Ryan Phillippe and Hanson.” my eyes lit up and I looked over at Tiffany who also had her jaw hanging to the floor. Lance looked over at me when he heard that hanson was going to be there knowing what a teenie bopper I was.

“ Where is Ryan and Hanson at?” Lance asked knowing I wanted to know.

“In the other greenroom. We thought we could give you guys some privacy.”

“Listen would it be cool for us to go over there for awhile?” Justin asked.

“Of course.”

“Oh my god, are you guys gonna take us over please, please, please.” I begged.

“And just who are these pretty young ladies guys, friends?” Jay asked with a smile.

“Yea, that’s Jen and Tiffany.” Joey said knowing that Jay was trying to pry about girlfriends before the show even started.

“Nice to meet you two, listen I’ve gotta be going to the make up room. I’ll see you guys later.”

“Nice to meet you too.” I said in return. Tiffany was still in shock. I sat back on the couch and dazed off with a depressed expression on my face until I glanced over to Lance.

“Oh ok, come on let’s go and get this over with.” He said standing up and waiting for me. I jumped to my feet.

“Have I told you how much I love you?” I said kissing him.

“Once or twice, but it doesn’t hurt again.”

“Well I love you sooo much baby. Let’s go.” I said running to the door. Tiffany and the rest of the guys followed.

“So we’re gonna meet my look alike are we?” Justin said.

“Aww baby you do look like him but trust me you are way way sexier and better looking.” Tiffany aaid grabbing his hand for the short walk across the hall. “Ok Justin let go. I don’t him to think anything is going on between us.” Tiffany said when they reached the front of the door.

“Damn you, he’s married Tiff and has a kid but hell let him father your kid ok. Geesh.” Justin said letting go.

“So, do you think he would be my baby’s daddy? Justin I was joking! You don’t want anyone to know that you guys have girlfriends yet do you? Now come on.”

We all walked into the rather large greenroom where on one couch sat Isaac, Taylor and Zac and on the other sat Ryan, Reese, and their baby.

“Hey.” Taylor said first.

“Hi” JC said. “Jay told us you guys were all over here and we thought we would say ‘hi’ and besides that we’ve got two big fans of you guys.

“Oh really?” Ryan asked. “How many times have you seen Studio 54?”

“46 times.” I said.

“55” Tiffany said.

“And how many times have you listened too Middle of Nowhere?” Zac asked.

“Over 100”

“Too damn much.” I laughed.

“You guys weren’t serious about watching Studio 54 that much right?” Reese asked.

“Umm actually yea! It’s an awesome movie. Aww so this is your baby.” I said walking over to her.

“Yep, our pride and joy. Would you like to hold the baby?” She asked.

“Oh could I?”

“Here.” She said placing the little child in my arms. The baby was so tiny and so adorable.

“You seem really good with kids, you’re gonna be a good mom someday.”

“Oh gee thanks, I really hope so. I’ve got 8 months to practice before the real thing.”

“You’re pregnant?” she asked.

“Yea about 4 weeks I just found out a few days ago. I’m really excited.”

“Congratulations. Who is the baby’s father?” I turned my head around to Lance and he stuck his hand in the air and said “Me”

“Your girlfriend is pregnant? Do your fans even know you have a girlfriend?” Isaac asked.

“No one knows about any girlfriends” Justin said. “and that’s our advice to you. Tell the fans they will respect you more. It’s hard to keep this away from them. Now that Lance and I have our girlfriend’s on tour and they’re both pregnant this is hard to cover. If you’ve got them admit it it’s the best thing and then you don’t have rumors about them either. Set it all straight.” “Did you say both of your girlfriend’s were pregnant?” Reese asked as I handed the baby back to her.

“Yea. I’m about 6 weeks along.” Tiffany said.

“Well congrats to you all. Anyone else in here have any babies in the oven?”

“Luckily not.”

We all sat and talked and got to know each other. I couldn’t believe I was in the same room with these people. And of course Lance mentioned how I had a little crush on Taylor and named my bear after him, all I really could do was smack him lightly on the arm. After awhile Ryan went out and Jay wanted Reese to come out too since they were one of Hollywood’s hottest couples so I offered to watch the baby while they went out. Then Isaac, Taylor, and Zac left to set up and Reese and Ryan returned and took the baby back. Finally the guys had to go out and perform, we each gave them a hug for good luck and sat in the greenroom with the guys of Hanson. The guys had a perfect performance and then sat down with Jay for the interview.

“We’re back with *NSync. Now guys what have you been up to since you were last on the show?” Jay asked.

“Oh we’ve been doing so much since then. We went to the studio and started working on our new album. Went to Europe for some promotional work.” JC said

“Then we were able to take about a month and a half off and get a little rest and relaxation and hang out with some friends. And now we’re back on tour.” Justin finished.

“Wow, so how long are you going to be out in California?” inquired Jay.

“Well this time we’ll be out here for 2 more days and we have a concert tomorrow night. Then we head out to New York then we’ll hit the mid-west and then we’ll come near to the end back out here. But the tour won’t end till we’re back in Orlando.” Chris explained.

“That’s pretty hectic. Your success has really sky rocketed in so little time. I just want to congratulate you.” Jay said as the audience applauded.

“Yeah, it’s definitely a phenomenon but it’s all thanks to you guys out there.” Lance said pointing to the audience. “We have some of the greatest fans out there and we love them all cause without them this dream wouldn’t be possible.” once again the audience applauded.

“So you know I have to ask this, it’s tradition. What’s the scoop on girlfriend’s any of you?” Jay asked looking Justin, Joey, Chris, Lance and JC over.

“Actually yea I do have a girlfriend.” Lance was the first to speak up.

“Oh really, what’s her name?” Jay asked.

“Jen.” he said nodding his head.

“Is she one of the young ladies backstage?”


“And the other one is my girlfriend Tiffany.” Justin said as you could hear the sighs through the audience.

“What about the rest of you?” Jay asked.

“Yea I do and her name is Erica.” JC replied

“Yep, My girlfriend’s name is Kristin.” Joey said next

“And I’m dating a girl, Alana.” Chris answered.

“So you all have girlfriends, any serious relationships? How long have you all been together?”

“Well basically Chris, Joey, Justin, and myself have been seeing our girlfriends for awhile.” JC said.

“I’ve been in this relationship for a little over a year.” Lance said

“So how did you all meet your girlfriends?”

“Well I met Jen like I said about 1 and a half years ago and we just totally hit it off and we were really good friends and we decided to take it to another level but we’re still like best friends.”

“Then actually we came to visit her a few months ago and she had two of her best friend’s down, Erica and Tiffany, and that’s how we met up then we met some of her friend’s had a birthday party for her and Joey and Chris met up with Alana and Kristin and that’s it.” JC finished.

“That’s great.” Jay added moving to the next topic. “So your tour is going on how long now?”

“Till the end of September or early October, we might be adding some dates on.”

“Then what are your plans going to be?”

“Well we’re going to be taking a little break in Orlando and then we’ll be picking up with promo work again for the new album and heading to Europe for a month or so.” Joey answered.

“Well I wanna wish you the best of luck and when the new album comes out I want you all to come back on the show, you’re always welcome. Well that wraps things up for tonight ladies and gentlemen. I’d like to thank my guests, Ryan Phillippe, Hanson, and *NSync. We’ll see you Monday.” Jay said wrapping up the show.

After the show the guys along with Jay walked back to the green room where Tiffany and I had been sitting watching the show with Ryan, Reese, Zac, Taylor, and Isaac.

“The world now knows.” Lance said as he walked through the door.

“I know I saw. Things are really better that way.” I said standing up.

“Yeah I think so too. Now everyone knows almost everything about our personal lives.” JC said.

“The prices of fame.” Tiffany added.

“Yea, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.” he said giving her a quick kiss.

“Well we have to be going back to the hotel so we can get some sleep for the concert tomorrow.” JC said.

“We have to be going too.” Ryan said.

“Yea” Reese continued. “It was really great to meet you all and best of luck to you two girls. Hopefully we’ll see you some other time.”

“Thanks. It was our pleasure to meet all of you.” I said to everyone in the room.

Within 5 minutes we were out of the studio and back on the bus ready to head to the hotel for a good night’s rest.

Over the next 5 days we made our way from California all the way to the east coast, to New York. We spent most of the days cooped up on the small bus just watching TV, talking, or me doing my assignments. The guys had done a few concerts on the way to New York, at which when girls would see me or Tiff they would yell our names to see if it was really us, and when we looked we were bombarded with questions or insults. It was coming to the point where we needed body guards. Lance and Justin had gotten around to finally telling Lou and Johnny about Tiff and I being pregnant. He decided it would be best for all of us if they came out about everything. The girlfriends issue was already out in the open and despite popular thought that they would lose fans they actually gained more respect. But the baby issue would bring tabloids and rumors galore if it wasn’t announced to the public.

"We’re here, finally!" Joey yelled from the front of the bus. We were finally in New York. The guys were going to be appearing on the Rosie O'Donnell Show and my favorite show, TRL.

This day was definitely going to be non-stop. First thing when we got to New York we had to go to the studio where the Rosie Show was taped then we were going to be rushed to the airport where Erica was flying in to join us on the rest of the tour. Then we would have about 15 minutes to quickly move into our hotel rooms and then catch a limo to the MTV studio in Times Square where the guys were going to be on TRL.

Chpater 20