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JC & Emma
Emmaanuelle Chriqui Last Updated: 02/02/02

It is rumored that JC is now dating Canadian Emmanulle Chriqui. (CRAZY CANADIANS STEALING OUR BOYS!) Lance's love interest from On the Line! (aka- Lamest movie EVER!)
(I hope this helps prove to our Prince, Mr. Jeff D. that JC IS NOT GAY! Hi Jeff!)

Lance & Emma

"We did the kiss in front of 300 gawking fans. Even though Lance and I had become good friends by the time we filmed the kiss, we both felt very awkward kissing in front of so many peering eyes."

"As I've had to tell all my friends dozens of times, Lance's lips are soft and wonderful just like he is."

"I wasn't an *NSYNC fan when I was cast in the movie, but as I got to know Lance and Joey (Fatone) I became one of their biggest fans."

"At 16 I was on my own in Toronto after my mother died and my father moved back to Montreal."


JC & Bobbee

Still on stands Break Up alert!
AH! Apparently there's been a break up! Why didn't I receive an e-mail alert from JC himself?! Bastard. Kidding! Check out the February edition of Cosmo Girl! (Why did they not include stickers in this edition?! I was devastated!)

CG! [to J.C.]: You're the only one without a girlfriend right now, Right?
J.C.: Yeah. Dang! The tables have turned! I used to be the only one WITH a girlfriend!
Chris: It won't take long for him at all. He's very clingy. Tell girls he needs a girlfriend!


LOL Boobie


Still on standsAnd this will tear up your heart:
Chasez has been dating the same woman (he won't name her, in order to protect her privacy)... *WE WILL... BOBBIE...* for more than a year and a half. "We met a bunch of times through friends but never noticed each other," He says. "And then one day we were playing cards and everyone was hanging out, and we clicked." He says his girlfriend, who writes about women's issues for a living, isn't threatened by his sex-sybol status. "I don't walk around thinking that I'm sexy. I just do my day-to-day stuff. I try to learn the next dance steps, to sing the best I can. She sees that in me and respects me. You can't be sexy forever--- unless you're Sean Connery."


Sighting!From Vanessa (Jul 19, 2000, 01:55 PM):
It was at the 'Nsync concert last Wednesday in Albany, NY. My friend and I had meet and greet passes. The guys were sooooo cute and sweet. We were two of the last people in line. Just as we were leaving the side door opened and a tall, tan, extremely pretty girl walked in and JC excused himself and immediately ran over, picked her up and just hugged her saying he was so happy that she could make it. She had very dark brown eyes and long curly auburn/brown hair with blond highlights. She was wearing a black halter top and vintage jean skirt. She wasn't too thin, very fit. I couldn't see her name tag though. Anyway, we were told to leave by security, but turned around one last time to see them walking with their arms wrapped around each other smiling. Could this be love for JC? We can only hope not.
(That really is sweet!)

JC & Bobbee


Ted Casablanca (December 14, 2000):
Let's get our minds off the broads and on boarding, shall we? Y'all recall that the two blondies, Justin and Britney, are said to be house hunting in Hell-Ay, right? And even more significant, they're said to boast their own decorator. (Fuh-get lawyers, my sweets; when a couple shares an interior designer, you know that means the decorating is meant to be serious.) But J.'s not the only 'N Sync-er who hungers for haunt-haute. This time it's J.C. Chasez, who was spotted shopping for some funky furnishings.
Dressed in jeans and a tie-dyed tee, the toned tunester looked tasty in a rumpled kind of way. With his decorator in tow, J.C. spent hours browsing through Our House Antiques on 3rd Street.
Onstage, the flashy performer sports skintight red-leather pants, and he showed this afternoon that his taste in decor is just as, um, eye-catching. The singer stared dreamily at a strangely unidentifiable $12,000 wood object, a huge platinum mirror and loads of lights.
I'll leave it up to you, my fashionable friends, to decide what exactly the belter was searching for when he requested "the lamp with the big globes."
Considering his cleavage companion at the Billboard party, looks like someone's got a bit of a fixation. There are therapists for such things, J.C.


Sighting!From Renee (Aug 26, 2000, 12:28 PM):
A few months ago I saw JC from 'N Sync when they were in Detroit. He was with his girlfriend, his brother, and someone else who I think was a friend. I didn't want to approach him, but he caught me staring and motioned me over. His girlfriend, Bobbi, is very nice and his brother Tyler is a cutie. His friend, who said his name was Eric, was also very nice. They talked to me for a few minutes. I didn't have a camera...which sucked, but they were all very nice.


I bet JC and Bobbie fornicate up in his two story master bedroom


Sighting!From Meghan (Jun 21, 2000, 11:07 AM):
I was at the San Antonio concert a few weeks ago. I had 7th row floor tickets and Justin's, JC's, and Joey's girlfriends sat like ten rows behind us. They had these backstage passes and mics in their ears and bodyguards escorted them to their seats. JC is with this girl named BeeBee. She had a column called 'BeeBee's Buzz' in J-14 magazine if you want to check her out. She's really pretty. So is Justin's girlfriend. She's a lucky girl.

(This girl actually thinks she knows what she's talking about! HER NAME IS BEE BEE?! I hate when people think they're correcting you and feel all superior and they're totally wrong. Actually, I don't hate it. I like to laugh at them.)




Sighting!From Jen (Jun 22, 2000, 08:11 PM):
After the NSYNC concert in New Orleans me and my friend went on Bourbon to see if we could get a glimpse of the guys. Well, we got better than that! We actually got to chill with them in their hotel room. It was like 4am so as soon as we got up there we saw Lance (who is way cuter in person) and he was going to bed. He said that the other guys were in bed except for Superman himself Joey. The guy who brought us up got us in there and we went on the balcony and guess who was there? Yeah, Joey and his bro Steve. We introduced ourselves and hung out there for like 2 hours. YES JOEY IS A FLIRT!! :Þ But a cute one! We got home around 6am..The next day..... My friend works at Hooters and as soon as she got to work she saw JC sittin in the back with his Girlfriend, and bodyguards. She called me and I told my lil cousin to get dressed cuz we were going to see JC. We went there and sat a couple of tables away from him, he was watching the Lakers game. So when it was over he walked by us and smiled and said HI. That was cool. So, I decided to take her, my lil cousin, and show her around the quarter and I called Steve's room (Joey's bro) and he told us to meet him at a pizza place. He is a sweetie. After that we were walking around and we look in a bar and Chris was sitting there having a few drinks. TO ALL NOTE THIS..HE IS HHOOTT!!! Later that night me and my friend went back out there cuz they had told us that they were leaving at 4am so we went and talked to Steve some more and saw the guys on the balcony looking at all the people. We had to leave so around 3:30 I walked with my friend to her car.. I decided to go back to see if I could see Justin cuz he was the only one I didn't see so I parked right in front of their buses and got out and was talking to some girls who were there to see them. Then Joey came out and I kinda blushed cuz we had chilled together.

(This one sounds a little on the unrealistic side.. but I figured I'd put it up anyway. LOL)


Bobbee Sighting!From Shae D. (Jun 29, 2000, 05:49 PM):
It was May 30 the day when Nsync would be performing in Houston. Well, I live in Florida and I came down to Houston to meet my new agent who had a photo shoot lined up for me. So anyways he put me up in this really nice hotel, St. Regis. It's a nice hotel like I said, but older people flock there. That night as I was getting in the elevators I saw J.C Chasez with some girl! She had a VIP pass on around her neck and it had her name on it-Dominique. She was kinda short with dark brown hair that was flipped under. Big brown eyes, a clear complexion, a tan and a bright smile. She was very pretty. Now J.C was wearing dark jeans that were rolled up at the bottom. with black shoes, and a blue shirt, and he looked kinda sweaty.They walked in the elevator holding hands and laughing. I was starstruck!! The whole time J.C was talking like a baby and he kept trying to hug her and kiss her cheek. But she seemed kinda shy cause she goes, 'Not in front of her J.C'. Then they turned around and he said 'Hi, how are you?' Then I said 'Hey, I'm fine thanks.' I asked him if he was staying at the hotel and he said "Yeah, me and the guys are bunking here tonight." and then we got into this short conversation and the elevator stopped and they got off. As they were walking off J.C. turned around and smiled and said bye and I said good bye nice meeting you. I tried to see what room they were staying in but the elevator doors shut too soon and I didn't want to seem obsessed. I can't believe I stayed calm the whole time it was so amazing I almost wet my pants. I had never seen that girl before and I'm sure she wasn't anyone famous and it wasn't that girl that was in the IDMC video but she was very pretty.

JC & Bobbee

(That was definitely our Bobbee! I know her name is Bobb*ie*.. I like Bobbee more though. Maybe Bobbee will be MY stage name too! Kidding..)


JC & Bobbee
MORE pictures!


Sighting!From Amanda (Apr 22, 2000, 06:33 PM):
Well, this was last June. I was on vacation in NYC. I'm a huge *NSYNC fan, so you know I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled up to my hotel, and literally bumped into *NSYNC walking out of my hotel. They stayed at my hotel the whole week I was in NYC. During the course of this week, I ran into all members of *NSYNC. I saw Justin only twice, he was no where to be seen most of the week. I had a few run ins with Lance, he signed my CD, and was EXTREMELY nice. Then I had the UNBELIEVABLE LUCK of being in an elevator with Joey. JUST JOEY. It was me and him and no one else. He was very nice, but he looked so worn down and stressed out. I felt bad for him. Chris was also nice, even when he had about a dozen 10 year olds attack him in the lobby. I was also in the elevator with JC and a blond girl who I'm guessing was his Girlfriend. They were doing some major flirting. It was cute. All of the guys were extremely nice, gracious, and happy to sign autographs for all the fans waiting inside and outside the hotel. Great Guys.


Sighting!From Claire (Oct 28, 2000, 08:13 PM):
Hi, I met the guys in May when they were in Memphis. I talked to Chris and gave him some songs I had written. He is so sweet and he's really not that tall. Justin's extremely quiet when he's out of his element.. (i.e.. around fans), and JC is just amazingly beautiful. His girlfriend is very snotty and Joey's brother is the same way. I didn't see Joey till later who waved at me several times.


JC & Bobbee


Sighting!From Andrea (Feb 06, 2000, 11:36 AM):
My friends & I went to The Rain Forest Cafe in Orlando and spotted JC.. We couldn't get up close but we got pictures of him and saw him with his girlfriend. Whom I didn't know of. He was like a toothpick and looked anorexic. His g/f was sorta on the ugly side.


From Ted Casablanca (October 5, 2000):
J.C. Chasez was grooving at the Moby show at the El Rey Theater. With a lovely looker by his side, the 'N Sync-er pulled all his best choreographed steps to the amusement of some in the crowd.


Do you know how much I would pay to be able to do that? JUST ONCE?!



JC lookin at her bum
MORE pictures!




in the past, JC's been linked to...

Nikki, of Innosense & MMC Kinsey.. of.. oh wait! That's me! Bye Bye Bobbi!


Justin Timbo-Lake JC Chasez Lance Bass Chris Kirkpatrick Joey Fatone Home
rub a dub