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Chaos Cavern- Pagan Information and Animal Welfare Resource Center Chaos Cavern
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September 25 is International Ataxia Awareness Announcements for more Information
Chaos Cavern
Pagan Information and Animal Welfare Resource Center
Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to Chaos Cavern, Pagan and Animal Welfare Gateway. Below are listed some pages of my own device, geared to helping others understand the Pagan/ Witchcraft spirituality. Please note that these thoughts and rituals are exclusive to myself, and myself only, as Paganism has a broad spectrum of ideals and traditions. Within this site are Siberian Husky information, and feral cat info. Also for the fuzz babes we now have Pet Greeting Cards! I have been pleased with the amount of input I have gotten for the information included in my world here, and welcome any e-mail guestbook notes with any thoughts, suggestions, or comments. Please do not forget to look towards the bottom of the page for our Daily Announcements, jokes, and quotes! Please also visit our FPWicca Club for our Wiccan friends at FP! Check it out...Lots of Learning, Sharing and Gossip going on there, daily! Over 400 members, and growing! ~Brightest Blessings!~ "RabbiddAnngell"
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ENTER THIS DESERTED HOUSE by Shel Silverstein (1932- ) But please walk softly as you do. Frogs dwell here and crickets too. Ain't no ceiling, only blue. Jays dwell here and sunbeams too. Floors are flowers -- take a few Gerns grow here and daisies too. Whoosh, swoosh -- too-whit, too-woo Ferns grow here and hoot owls too. Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee, hoo-hoooo, Gnomes dwell here and goblins too. And my child, I thought you knew I dwell here ... and so do you

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All pages listed in Navigation are Owned, Created and Operated by R.A.W.Designs with the exception of "Love Letters"
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The Freaky Banner ExchangeThe Freaky Banner Exchange
The Freaky Banner Exchange

September 25 is "International Ataxia Awareness Day". Please support those with this very frightening, hereditary disease by lighting a blue candle, in support of families with this neurological disease, and a white candle, in Hope for a cure. For more information, please visit National Ataxia Foundation .
* Chaos Cavern born March 25, 1999
Announcements and Daily Additions
Please be reminded that this is a family friendly site. The thoughts, words and impression given herein are of a religious nature, although different from many mainstream ideas. If you are offended in any way, shape or form, please leave quietly. In the description of this site, PAGANISM is used as keyword, and is also at the heading of this page. Your Back button may be used as a convenient form of "escape". If you have any complaint of the materials included within this site, please use the Questions?/Complaints? address, and I will see what I can do.
Brightest Blessings ~RA~
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New York
- Here's an award-winning career change; from bishop to cybersex writer. John Shelby Spong, former leader of the Diocese of New Jersey will be writing a new monthly column that will address issues of sexuality and how they relate to religion. "It's an attempt to discuss sexuality in a serious way... some people are treating this as some sort of salacious thing," remarked Spong. His new site is being set up by former Penthouse editor, Jack Heidenry where the first issue questions if the Ten Commandments are biased against women.
Quote of the Week
One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one's greatest efforts. .
-Albert Einstein, 1915 letter to a student