Dirty Laundry, Dryer Sheets
AKA Scary Monsters, Super Creeps

She hadda a load up to do
She was tired, with no dryer sheets
When I looked in her pile it was clear she had dirty clothes
Well, she could've used some filler if she didn't already abuse, (and she abused)
She opened the door and didn't bother to sort in the end
Dirty Laundry, Dryer Sheets, Keeps It Running, Running Unprepared
Dirty Laundry, Dryer Sheets, Keeps It Running, Running Unprepared

She wants me to help so I agreed to
She asked for some gloves so I gave her a good pair of mine
Now her hands are super clean and she can't realize
That I hate doing laundry and I'll hate it till the day I die
Dirty Laundry, Dryer Sheets, Keeps It Running, Running Unprepared
Dirty Laundry, Dryer Sheets, Keeps It Running, Running Unprepared

It's making a strange sound, we both start to scream
Waiting for the lights to stop blinking green
Dirty Laundry, Dryer Sheets, Keeps It Running, Running Unprepared
Dirty Laundry, Dryer Sheets, Keeps It Running, Running Unprepared

By the famous and multi-talented Starluck

||| The Voyeur of Stomach Lining Destruction - as Pukey |||
||| The Last of The Creamer ||| The Buggah of Suburbia ||| The Mole Cricket |||
||| When You're A Ho ||| The Dirty Socks Are Going To Smell |||
||| Five Beers (by Mist) ||| Five Beers (by Aman) ||| Back |||