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My Works of Poetry


The Process of Love

First love will caress you
and touch you
and embrace you

Then love will crush out of you everything you were
and everything you are
and everything you wanted to be

Ultimately love will scar you

(temporarily untitled)

The Enchantment

Passing words captivate them,
One smile inflicts addiction.
Thoughts in harmony share sweet silence.
Face to face passions rise,
Absorbed by one another,
Enchanted in Euphoria.

The Leap

Existing of two eternities,
Fears flood through them.
Rebellious abandon yields united empowerment.
Day to day hungers deepen,
Excruciated by encompassing emotions,
The Leap, their only escape.

The Endurance

Denying each other lies only a memory,
New reality overcomes them.
Blissful togetherness forms rejoiced coexistence.
Night to night contentment grows warmer,
Propelled by intermixing souls,
Their Endurance, an exultant surety.

Freedoms of a Lifetime

(this is dedicated to the struggles and success of
Frederick Douglas and the Abolitionist Movement)

Freedom of Youth




Freedom of Spirit

	finding love

	sustaining control

	cursing oppressors

Freedom of Actions

	learning to read

	traveling to London

	raising a family

Freedom of Knowledge

	the clear truth

	the informed public

	the accomplished goals

Freedom of Death





Suddenly all sounds magnified, Sharp and distinct; Cars whispered secrets of well traveled roads, The clocks tick, tick, tock told tales of batteries worn down and dying, That almost silent, high pitched buzzing exposed stagnant energy hiding everywhere. A flood of rushing water seeped through the walls, voice stripped of clarity, but still pushing on, The elevator's ascend halted with a loud screaming cry of age, And in one instant, like the eye of a storm, there was silence.

Other Beautiful Poems

(these are from other writers)


(author unknown)
Go placidly amid the noise and the 
haste, and remember what peace 
there may be in silence. As far as 
possible and without surrender, be 
on good terms with all persons. 
Always speak your truth quietly 
and clearly and listen to others. 

You are a child of the universe no 
less than the trees and th stars; you 
have a right to be here. And whether 
or not it is clear to you, know that 
the universe is unfolding as it should. 

Therefore be at peace with God, 
whatever you conceive that to be. 
And whatever your labors and 
aspirations, in the noisy confusion 
of life, keep peace with your soul. 
With all its shame, drudgery, and 
broken dreams, it is still 
a beautiful world.

Other Poetry Sites

Poetry Society of America
Missie's World (I took Desiderata from her site)
Links To More Poetry Sites
Julie's Poetry Site: A Great Variety of Poetry
