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Reasons To Smile

Updates from Dickinson

Oct. 23, 1999
Today I decided it was about time to get back to my loyal visitors (if there really are any of those out there, *smooches* to all of you) I know haven't updated my aol site in a while. because I'm at college now and I have no AOL. As a matter of fact, I don't even have a computer right now, but my buddy Robert lets me use his. Go check out his page, it's listed in my links. I really don't have much to babble about right now. College life has been great, and only slightly taxing. I'm headed out in about 10 minutes to see this comedian guy, Michael Winslow. He's the guy from Police Academy that does all the sound affects. I'll get back to this when I have something interesting to say...
Check out the next page to read my ramblings on about my favorite families Band and Winterguard, and get If not, thanks for the visit :o) My E-mail address is, anyone is welcome to pop in and say whatever, any non-junk mail usually works for me.

Sites to Visit

Storytime! (my friend Robert's page)
The Reverand Halls of Watt (my friend Watt's old page)
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