Welcome To Steph's Freaky Page

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Are you a freak?


Tina the Troubled Teen


Hello there! Here's where I kiss the butts of the people who come see my site, or will, cuz they're so tempted...All my buds... Much love to Peanut Hulbert, "Amber", Pink Floyd, (yeah you, Em!) Adam, Hey Jupiter, Lauren the Skank, my newly re-found buds from that 'e'circles thing, Mike, Wubby, Shylie (whoever ya are!) Sean, (as in Pumpkinface or Buddha or whatever...), Jordan, Cassie, Michelle, and the ever-expanding list there! I love all you guys! :) Hugs to Miss thang, Sheira Brown, love ya babe!! *mwaa!!* Hola to Kermit and Dennis, waves to Jennikorn, and to Nick, the huge Gator fan. Heloooo to Bryant and Andrew who probably wont see this site 'cuz they're so busy downloading porno...;) Blessings to Squeedo, who just can't be put into words! :) Very LOUD Blessings to the entire PYG clan!! )O( (Kcufpu) to Bronson and all his gaming goonies. Greetings to all those whose lives I've somehow screwed up somewhere along the line... My internet friends, Shandy, Leon, Ed *snogs*, (((hug))) to Ken, and "cheers" to all of the other people who send me mountainous heirogliphic email chain letters. Clicks and beeps to my family, and greetings to all those who I've loved and lost. And I guess thats it... for now...!

  And now... ON WITH THE SHOW!


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