My Awards Page!

They love me! They really love me!

I have recieved a few site awards. You can see them below!

This one is from Maria in Belgium, who's site is dedicated to English Bulldogs. Click the award to go to her site! (Thanks, Maria!)

I got this award from this site.

Here's another. I really like this one.

The coveted llama award. Yup.

This one (ROFL!) is from "Gleemonex" at the Non-forum (Smashing Pumpkins Oboard)

Below are some of the site awards that I have to give to people's sites. Usually I like to take the time to peruse sites out there on the 'net and see if they are "worthy" (ha ha), but if you would like to take an award from here, and you know how, feel free!

This award is for those sites that are maybe a little more for an older audience. (i.e. Slash fiction sites, stuff like that.)

Does your site include lots of shiny objects? Hidden passageways? Pretty pictures? Well then, this is the site award for you!

If you do decide to grab an award from here, please link it to Thanks!

This award says it all. Its for sites that are... well, like mine! A little different.

And the awards below are some that I made for... well... I have no idea. But they're for you. And everyone else.

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