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The Adventure...

The adventure starts here...

Ok...You've been walking through the forest in what feels like forever. Your legs hurt and your back aches. You sit down to rest and wonder when you'll get there. Soon the jungle gets deeper and deeper. You start to get worried, but you decide not to get scared. Each step brings you deeper and deeper...Then you spot a trail of footprints...

Curiously you follow them this brings you even deeper. You wander along and you start to get kind of dizzy you wobble along and kind of get drunk, it must be all this weird stuff you think as you hobble arould like a drunky. Suddenly you scream in horror as you look at a weird looking alien, and before you know it your in a different land and suddenly a hawk swoops down. "Glad you could make it" she says and leads you to a totally and different world...The world where you meet the yeerks that is. And all of a sudden you remember why you were in a forest, and you turn around just in time to stop the blow of a andalite. You swivel around your snake like head and decides to eat some bark..."???!!!" you think.

Aniraptoria's Home Page
