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[Trojan Force]

A Few of the Clubs
(still under construction)

Athletic Club--This club I'm not to familiar with, I know it has to do with athletics, duh. Well, I'll get more information later.

Cannon Team--This is a very cool club. At the football games that we have, the cannon team sets up in our home end zone, and every time that we score a touchdown, or when they just feel like it, they fire a cannon. Its tradition, doesn't it ROCK!

Color Guard--Alright, have you ever gone to a Military function, and for display they would have these people twirls guns and carry flags, well this is color guard. They are responsible for properly holding, and protection, our countries flag, they also carry the AFJROTC flag for our unit.

Drill Team--Well I'm just going to say one thing, "Drill team IS THE BOMB!" I just had to say that, but we are. Anyway, I'll have to get back to this one, because if I start talking about it, I'll never stop.

Drum and Bugle Corps--This is basicly our own little band. They march out during the opening of an event, as well as the closing, and play our National Anthem, and what ever else they play.

Flight Club--I think that this club is self explanatory. Flight club is where you go to learn how to fly; no you don't go up in planes (not on your time in Flight Club) you learn in one of six simulators set up in one of the classrooms. This is our most popular club, its probably because this is AIR FORCE JROTC. Well, everyone in just so into learning how to fly.

Kitty Hawk Air Society--This is a National Academic Honorary for cadets in their second, or higher, year of AFJROTC and have a minimum grade of a "B" in their AFJROTC class, and also have a 3.0 GPA. Also, our school (Lake Worth High) is the headquarters for Kitty Hawk; we host a National Convention at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida in June of each year.

Leo Club--I don't know a lot about this club either, but I will be sure to find out.

Model Club--This club basicly builds models of airplanes, past and present.

Rocket Club--In this club they do something with rockets, I don't know exactly what, I don't know if they build them, launch them, or both (if you haven't figured it out yet, they are little rockets, not like NASA rockets).

Saber Team--This team is, well I'll explain it later as well.

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