Togepi's Site News

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Hi! I'm Togepi! I'll keep you updated on what's what on our site!
WHAT THIS SITE IS ABOUT"The best site for the Pokémon Fanatic!" That's our motto! The site where YOU, the Pokémon lover, tell us what you want to see! We'll do the best we can to fulfill everyone's wishes... You'll probably never find a great setup that we have here anywhere else... So far, thanks to some of you... we have added some neato features and created Kangaskahn's Pokémon Adoption Centre! We also have some of the MOST original pics that you'll ever discover! There's still much things to do though! And we need you to tell us what those things are! So go ahead and start exploring our site, and please visit again!


Togepy's News Togepi's Site News
Diglett's Rumors and Etc. Diglett's Trivia
Sandshrew's Picture Gallery Sandshrew's Gallery
Electabuzz's Comics Electabuzz's Comics
Cubone's Video Game Central Cubone's Game Central
Catperpie's T.V. Show Room Caterpie's TV
Seel's Game Guide Seel's Game Guide
The Almighty Dratini's FAQ Dratini's FAQ
Chansey's Codes Chansey's Codes
Mankey's Pokedex Mankey's Pokédex
Tangela's Lab Pokemon Tangela's Lab
Porygon's Stuff Porygon's Stuff
Clefairy's Sightings Clefairy's Sightings
Kangaskhan's Adoption Centre Kangaskhan's Adoption
Hitmonchan's Downloads Hitmonchan's Downloads
Voltorb's Message Board Voltorb's Mess. Board
Poliwag's Chatroom Poliwag's Chatroom
Mr. Mime's Site Helper Mr. Mime's Site Helper
Ponyta's Links Ponyta's Links
Haunter's Awards Haunter's Awards
Callibretto's Funhouse Pokemon Awards Win Our Award!
Zubat's Ads and Voting Booths! Zubat's Ads
View Exeggcute's Guestbook! View Exeggcute's Guestbook!
Sign Exeggcute's Guestbook! Sign Exeggcute's Guestbook!
Pokemon Of The Month Pokemon of the Month!
We love feedback!
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ICQ#: 39809245

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Pokémon trainers
are here.

Well, I have been accepted at Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden. They're just a grand band there! ^_^ And it looks like I have to take all my responsibilities there. So as of today, July 30, 1999, The Pokémon Palace is now 'shut down'. No more updates. No more news. No more anything new. I'll just leave it up for any reference reasons. But DO NOT EXPECT ANY CHANGES!

But if you would still like to see my work, you can find me at Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden. I'll be working over time there so just pop in and say hi to me once in a while okay?

~~Monday July 26, 1999~~ nothing much... just another announcement... blah...
"Yes... your Pikachu's in its cutest stage... it can't win." ~ Brock

Well it looks like not much people are interested in this site anymore... except for like two or three of you who have e-mailed me (Thank you! ^_^) I just want to let everyone to know that I've had fun with this site while it lasted. I've made this site sooooo long ago... it was one of the first ones out ya know! Right when Pokémon was just starting... sigh...

This site will still be here. Just don't expect anything big for awhile. I'm currently looking for a position at other sites... all I really like to do is make some graphics and images. So I'm going to be a freelance Pokémon artist! ^_^ The only place I have applied to so far is Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden. They're going to be big trust me, and I'm trying my best to get on their team! I'll also help other sites if they like, but only if they're good. I mean if they get a TON of hits good. You have to understand me, I wouldn't want to get HUNDREDS of e-mails to ask me and draw them a Pikachu for their site that well... (excuse me for saying it) ... sucks. So if you have a great site, and would like an expert (me!) to help make you some excellent images, drop me a line!

Some little side notes:
I won an award! Yay! This one's from! Hehe... it looks great! You can find it to the bottom right...
I also put up the code for Frames in Mr. Mime's Site Helper. I didn't get the time to explain how to set it up though.

~~Sunday July 25, 1999~~ Another nnouncement...
"Pidgeotto is a bird and Caterpie is a bug! Birds eat bugs, Mr. Pokémon Master!" ~ Misty

Well I decided to just shut down the site. I hate to disappoint you all, but what was really on here that you haven't seen on another (and better) site? So as of today, I announce my retirement! That is unless you guys convince me not to!

Here's what's what as of today:

  1. I'll still be updating a 'little bit'. But don't expect some stuff that'll just 'keep you coming'.
  2. I'll still be accepting job applicants. Go here for more info.
  3. I'd still like everyone to click on the banner up top! If I get enough money, I can still get a domain name and host! Then that would mean that you can get around my site faster!
  4. Please still vote for me at thePokémon Site of the Millenium if you haven't already!
  5. I STILL haven't recieved any fan stuff! Send me your fics, art, fake screen shots, anything!
~~Saturday July 24, 1999~~ Announcement...
"It's a... Joyful world..." ~ Ash

Everything that was here can be found here.

~~Wednesday July 21, 1999~~ New member!... Porygon now has a Pokémart and some tips!...
"This is why I hate dogs!" ~ Meowth Sorry for the long wait! We've been working real hard on some new sections! So hurry up and read on and see!

We have a new member! You guys wanted us to tell you how to make a site, well here you go! Mr. Mime will get you started with some HTML basics, an image library, javascripts and more! So check it out! And if you do make a new site, please give us a link please? ^_^

Porygon has now opened up his Pokémart! We're now affiliated with the enormous! Check out the stuff we have to show! And while you're at, why don't you check out his tips on buying Pokémon stuff! Be sure to show your folks this so they can know what's what in the world of Pokémon collecting! :)

And we're also now nominees for the Eye Candy WWW Site Reviews! We're REALLY excited about this one! ^_^

~~Saturday July 17, 1999~~ The Pokémon Agency is born!... Pokémon of the Month updated!...
"I told my grandson, Gary, that I'd eat my hat if you didn't have a new Pokémon by time you got to Viridian City!" ~ Prof. Oak We've decided to create something called ::drum roll please::... the Pokémon Agency! It's sorta like affiliating, cept you don't have to put us on your front page or anything, just as long you give us a link somewhere on your site, we'll put your link in our agency! Get more info at Zubat's Ads!

Finally! We updated the Pokémon of the Month! Sorry for the long wait! So hurry and check out who won and vote for the next winner!

Oh and some reminders:
(1) Don't forget to click on the banner above so we can get a domain name!
(2) PLEASE don't forget to vote for us at the Pokémon Site of the Millenium if you didn't yet!
(3) We still didn't get any fanfics or art! Come on! E-mail 'em to us! They'll be posted up asap!

~~Friday July 16, 1999~~ Some updates... a member leaves... but a new one joins!
"I'm only following you until you pay me back for my bike!" ~ Misty
Sorry for the late delay in news! Our site is going loopy... we're seriously thinking of moving to a new server... we'll keep you updated...

We added a new feature to the navigaion bars on both Frames and Non Frames. Hopefully you have a Javascript enabled browser, otherwise you won't be able to see it...

Alas, Weedle has left. We couldn't hold onto him since he didn't do his job. Sorry everyone.

But we did get a new member. Please visit Kangaskhan's Adoption Centre and adopt yourself some top Pokémon!

~~Tuesday July 13, 1999~~ Added random image onto news page... some other news and that's pretty much it...
"Hey! Maybe it's a COW-terpie!" ~ Ash
We decided to add a little random image on my news page... It should be to the right... Enjoy the pics! ^_^

Also, by request from some of you great viewers, we're currently accepting Pokémon fanart and fanfics! So send 'em in!

~~Monday July 12, 1999~~ Added the Release dates list...
"When you got rice, you make rice balls!" ~ Brock
We finally added the Release dates here on my news page! Remember, they're subjected to change...

Don't forget to click on the banner above so we can get a domain!

Also, PLEASE don't forget to vote for us for Pokémon Site of the Millenium!



Pokémon Episodes: 57+
Japan - Released
English - Sept 4, 99


Pokémon Snap
Japan - Released
English - July 26, 99

Pokémon Yellow
Japan - Released
English - Sept 6, 99

Pokémon Gold/Silver
Japan - Sept, 99
English - Future

Pokémon Card Game
Japan - Released
English - Future

Pokémon Stadium 2
Japan - Released
English - Mar, 00


Mewtwo Strikes Back
Japan - Released
English - Nov 12, 99


Japan - Released
English - Nov 12, 99

Phantom Pokémon X
Japan - Released
English - Future

The Pokémon Agency!
Flame Mountain
Strider's Pokemon Organization
Venusaur's Garden
The Pokémon Planet
Clefairy's Corner
Want to join the Agency? Just put up a link to us and e-mail us that you want to join! Be sure to include a button if you have one. Preferably .gif format. Get links to us at Zubat's Ads!

The Crimson Badge
This is my Crimson Badge!

Visit my hompage, Callibretto's Funhouse!

We love feedback!


Please do not use any of the material found on this page without my expressed consent. All you have to do is ask! We would like to share our materials with all Pokemon site trainers.
This page should be viewed best at 1000x700 resolution. Viewed best (I mean best!) at maximum window setting and with pics uncopressed. Recommended that browser supports .jpg and .gif files. Also be sure to have the fonts Comic Sans MS, Arial, and Tempus Sans ITC installed!
Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasuar, Squirtle, Pocket Monsters, Pokemon, Pokémon, and their associations are Copywrited ©Nintendo, NOJ, NOA, CR, GF, TX, SP, and JK.
Don't forget to wash behind your ears!
Site created: A long, long time ago...
Site updated: July 30 1999
Site 'shut down': July 30 1999
Original images and site design are complementary and © Gym Leader Jay Productions.