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Hellraiser 1

Hellraiser 2

Hellraiser 3
Hell On Earth

Hellraiser 4

Hellraiser 5

Hellraiser 6

Film Stills









Welcome to my Unofficial Hellraiser Website.


If You spot a goof please let me know and I will add it to the list below

Hellraiser 1

Crew or equipment visible: When the Engineer chases Kirsty, the trolley and crew pushing it are visible.

Errors in geography: Despite being set in England, all telephones give the US style "single ring" rather than the UK's "double ring"

Continuity: Throughout most of the film, Larry has a bandage on his right hand. In the scene where he talks to Julia through the bathroom door, Larry's bandage is on his left hand.

Hellraiser 2 Hellbound

Continuity: When Dr. Channard is being turned into a cennobite, his tie disappears in some shots.

Revealing mistakes: When the Cenobites appear in Dr. Channard's office, the curtains are ripped away from the window, and you can see the string that rips them away.

Factual Errors: Despite being set in Britain, the detective that visits Kirsty is from the local homicide division. UK police forces don't have homicide divisions.

Factual Errors: The two uniformed officers are dressed like US street police and carry guns. UK police are generally unarmed.

Revealing mistakes: In Hell, every time Kirsty hits a wall you can clearly see they are not bricks, but some type of plastic.

Hellraiser 3 Hell on Earth

When Pinhead is just about to start killing everyone in The Boiler Room night club, a man catches the first hooked chain that Pinhead unleashes. Yet when you look closely as you see the man holding the chain there is no hook, but a piece of wire.

In the first hospital scene, where a kid dies by the hook-tipped chains in the operating room, there is a point where his head just explodes. Later, when Joey opens the door, for a second you can cleary see the kid's body, still with a head.

The new Cenobites made from Joey's friends can remember exactly who they were, and even conversations that they've had before the transformation, yet at the end of the second Hellraiser, Pinhead doesn't remember who he is until Kirsty hands him a picture of his former self, and gives the Cenobites a lecture.

At one point, Pinhead pulls nails from his head. These nails not only miraculously grow back, but are much longer than the ones we saw hammered in at the beginning of the second Hellraiser.

Pinhead is able to return to earth in the form of a statue. This is supposed to be the same statue as the one that rose up out of the mattress at he very end of the second Hellraiser, but that statue was made of wood, and was covered with living images of Hell, while the statue in this film is about four feet taller, and now made of solid stone or marble.

There is a church scene. The church that scene was filmed in wouldn't allow them to film the movie, so the crew had to break into the church late at night.

When Joey's television set is flipping through the channels all by itself, on one of the channels is an interview with Tony Hickox, the director of the film.

One of the chains reaches from the sewer and grabs Joey by the sweater during the chase scene. Every time the chains are used in the other films, they are incredibly accurate. One grabs Frank by the hand, as he grabs for Kirsty in the first film, and another effectively blocks Kirsty's way in the second, but now they can only grab Joey's sweater.

In this film, The Pinhead Cenobite's objectives are stated. He wishes to destroy the box that can send him back to hell, and stay on Earth. At the beginning of the first Hellraiser, Pinhead, after poking through the remains of Frank, solves the box himself, and sends himself, along with the other Cenobites, back to Hell. Why does he want to stay all of a sudden?

Also, after the television is through telling Joey of the carnage at the club through the newscast, there's a pan to her floor, showing that it's unplugged. Does Joey unplug her T.V. every time it's not in use?

When the patient explodes on the hospital bed at the start of the
movie, the sequence of shots is: exploded -> still alive -> exploded

Hellraiser 4 Bloodline

Hellraiser 5 Inferno

Continuity: When Thorne looks at the coke sniffer, it changes position between shots.

Hellraiser 6 Hellseeker

Continuity: Both times Trevor reads the sheet of paper with Sage's address, it says #202. When he enters her place about an hour and 4 minutes into the movie, "206" is on her door.

Hope you enjoy the site, If you have any comments or reviews on any of the Hellraiser films please send them to me at and I will place them on this site.
Thanks Rob Llewellyn

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