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The last year is over...
This is what I learned.

The time is 11:27pm on Sunday, June 12th, 2005. It has been almost a month since I graduated from UNLV, and I am finally trying to ponder what I learned in the last year of my college career.

What I have learned:

1. I may not feel artistically gifted, but I can create some pretty cool projects in Ceramics I!

2. If duty calls, I could be a lighting designer, and KNOW what to do!

3. As long as you explain your dilemna or problems in a mature, professional manner, most professors will work with you, so you don't fail a class.

You know what? Given my current situation, I don't feel like these points are truly valuable lessons. I try to appreciate the little things, and allow myself to be free... by doing this, I have learned that:

4. Living with a significant other can be an enjoyable experience, but it is very challenging as well, and it is not a decision to be made lightly.

5. If something your friend does to bother you, tell them, or you can never expect their behavior to change.

6. I had high hopes of keeping in touch with friends from home. As time goes by, the numbers get smaller and smaller, but I thank those of you who have made an effort to stay in touch.

7. You never know how your actions affect others until you are truly paying attention.

8. Something as small as a beauty mark on the cheekbone, birthmark, or even hairstyle, is not part of your identity. Many people hold back on dreams and wants out of fear of losing part of themselves. At age 20, almost 21, I finally had my facial beauty mark removed, and just recently cut off my ponytail and traded it in for sophisticated, mature, but fun and flattering (shortest its ever been) hairstyle.

What do you think? *wink*

9. Give yourself plenty of room when driving because you never know what is about to happen in front of you... and wear your seatbelt, there is no excuse for ignorance.

10. I am very thankful for my support circle of friends and family, they have really helped me get through this difficult, transitional period of my life.

11. All good things must come to an end in order to continue to learn, grow, and move forward.

12. I support our troops, not the war. Chris (top) and Robert (bottom) come home safely and SOON. Thank you for keeping us safe in times of terror.

13. Even though he has been gone for almost 2 years, Cameron and I have kept in touch off and on during these busy times, but I am so proud of him and his accomplishments. I can't wait for him to come home next month.

14. Don't ever get comfortable in your place in life, because you never know when you are going to get thrown a curve-ball and not know how to handle it.

15. Who would have thought I could ever wear a pink bridesmaid dress?!? Moral of the story: There are still surprises around every corner!

Congrats to Amber and Fabiano!

15. I almost find it sad that now that I have graduated I can find the time to study some more of what I WANT to study versus all the core credits that I was required to take. You would think with how much money college costs, that there would be more open, liberal, and diverse classes! I have decided I want to learn the Art of Tarot even if I never make a dime off of my talents, I think it is a great medium for self-enlightenment.

16. I have never forgotten the boy who made me realize all that I could be, and even though he is no longer here, I know he watches us in spirit. He keeps pushing me forward and helping me along the way. He is my guardian angel, but like the Hermit says, I am not alone. It is through him that I am overcoming my fear of death and allowing myself to truly live.

Thank you.