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Who Am I?
My Pics
The Coffee Shop
College Reflections
My Friends
In His Memory
My Movies
In Memory of Trevor Jeremy "TJ" Franks
He was the person who helped me realize who I want to be.   

Known for his: sense of humor, personality, and love for theater   
His light was extinguished in December of 1999.
Known as: "White Chocolate"    Age: 18    Sex: M

He is missed by many, never forget.

In memory of the guy who held the audience in the palm of his hand... It has been 4 years, and I still miss you like it was yesterday...
TJ was killed in a car accident while driving home one night after work. We are told that he fell asleep at the wheel, started to go off the road, and woke up and swerved back onto the road over-correcting and going into oncoming traffic. He was killed instantly, but no one in the other vehicle were injured.

There is a memorial on the side of the highway where he was killed, and every time I go home to Colorado, I place a rose with him.

His locker was signed by all his friends and filled with pictures, mementos, footballs, and flowers. His locker was locked and will never be used by another student. A year after his death, the locker was vandalized, but luckily, was not permanently damaged.

Our auditorium at my high school was officially named in his memory due to the large amounts of requests by fellow students. The original cover of our local paper with a photo of him from his role as Grandpa in You Can't Take It With You (YCTIWY) was framed and also a shadowbox was made with his costume from that play were placed on both sides of the entrance. In the shadowbox was a plaque that had a quote from YCTIWY that said, "How many of us would be willing to settle when we were young for what we eventually get? All those plans we make. . . what happens to them? It's only a handful of the lucky ones that can look back and say that they even came close." He was a lucky one.

I was convinced that if one of us were to make it to stardom, he would beat me there. I knew he could be one of those comedians on Saturday Night Live, or Whose Line Is It Anyway? Everyday I strive to be the person he helped me realize I could be. I think of him always, and hope that I make him proud. And to quote from a song that was used at his memorial.... "Every step I take, Every move I make, Every single day, Every time I pray, I'll be missing you...."

Cherish this life as it is your last and only LIFE.