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Drew - Guitars    Kris - Vocals    Jess - Drums 


    Heavy music can be found in awkward places... such as the Linkin Park web board. Jessica and Kris found each other looking to do a "heavy" band; Kris on vocal and Jessica on drums. The two met in February, of 2002, and tried to get a band together; eventually, the duo played in Kris' then band, Undecided, which became no more after that performance.

    The internet has perverts AND musicians... Kris and Jessica, in May of 2003, again decided to make some music. Browsing the web board found one poster who was pretty much what they were looking for. Enter Drew. After being in a few local bands, such as Disgruntled Rhythm and Dark Lines Fade, Drew was looking for people to do a new brand of extreme metal. Armed to the teeth, carrying his axe, he came to Jessica's dungeon and riffed around; the three clicked real well, and began to work on the music that Drew came up with.  The first song eventually became "Rock. Paper. Pickaxe."

    Sanhedrin is borne of the flickering... in the dim light of Jessica's basement, Kris was thumbing through an Eastern Orthodox Bible, and came across a passage that contained the word "Sanhedrin." The trio thought it just "sounded cool," so they adopted it as their title.

    Fleshing out the line up... the first person to come to add their own personality to the mix, on bass duty, was Katy; but, all was not well in the Sanhedrin camp. Drew's job forced him to leave the band,  and while away, joined In The Process of Death, a local NY-Death Metal  band. Kris and Jessica went back to CRUMBS, and tried out a few people, none of them "worked out." During the interim, Katy left the band to join local hardcore/rap-core band, Chloroform Dream.

    Sanhedrin Lives... in late October, Drew freed himself of him obtrusive work schedule to re-join the band he formed. He compared his situation with Kerry King's, saying: "Why be in Megadeth when I can be in Slayer?" The trio are on the look out for a bassist, completing 13 songs, and preparing for live performances/recording.