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Sephiroth and Vincent's Page

Hi! Welcome to the refurbished Final Fantasy VII site! (I'm toying with the idea of changing its title.) Over the past couple of days I've been doing some work on the site to make it a lot better and hopefully more modern and up-to-date; it seemed a good site when I created it but I was what, 11 when that happened? Haha :P
Anyway I've now added an updates section on this page front - yes I know, FF7 is a thing of the past and there's not much demand for FF7 sites anymore but... I just couldn't stand it the way it was.
Anyway, cool! Feel free to look around, enjoy.


Tuesday 22nd April 2008
Created this updates section and removed the "Welcome To My Site" marquee that used to scroll across the top of this page; also changed the front page text to white font.

Monday 21st April 2008
Changed the background to black and font colour to white; removed the angelfire logo; updated the links; removed the background music and page counters; removed the mailbox icons and updated my email address; and changed the filenames of the sections to end in .html to make them run properly on sections Hojo - Good or Bad, Hojo's Profile, Lyrics, the Pictures front page, Links and Polls, Sephiroth and Aeris, Sephiroth's Profile, Vincent's Profile and Vincent Pictures. I also got rid of the space background that used to be on this front page and replaced it with plain black, and updated the links of this front page.

Friday 18th April 2008
Changed the background to black and font colour to white; removed the angelfire logo; updated the links; removed the background music and page counters; removed the mailbox icons and updated my email address; and changed the filenames of the sections to end in .html to make them run properly on sections Aeris' Profile, Animated GIFS, the Character Profiles front page, Cheats, Cloud's Profile, Downloads, Sephiroth Pictures, and The Turks' Profile. I also deleted the old broken .art files from the Sephiroth Pictures section so bad image boxes no longer show up.

Thursday 17th April 2008
Changed the background to black and font colour to white; removed the angelfire logo; updated the links; removed the background music and page counters; removed the mailbox icons and updated my email address; and changed the filenames of the sections to end in .html to make them run properly on sections Fanart, Fanfics, and the Father and Son fic. I also deleted from the site's storage folder all the images that no longer worked (a lot of them were old .art files that most internet programs can't run anymore), and I got rid of those terrible old and outdated popups on this front page.

Got any questions about FF7? Is there anything wrong with my site or anything I can do to make my site better? Email me at

Fanfic Cheats Character Profiles Hojo - Good Or Bad? Lyrics Sephiroth And Aeris
Pictures Fanart My FF9 Site FF7 Downloads HTML Polls, Links and Other Stuff

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