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Richard Pankhurst

Richard Pankhurst was born the son of and auctioneer in May 1834. As a small child Richard was taught at Baptist Sunday Schools in Manchester but later became and agnostic. Educated at Manchester Grammar school and the University of London, Richard graduated in 1958 and was qualified as a barrister.

As a barrister, Richard had strong interest in legal reform; changing laws that discriminated against women. Having this type of interest allowed Richard to be the legal advisor for the Manchester National Society for Women’s Suffrage.

Richard became active in the campaign for social reform and joined the Liberal party.  With his high support of free secular education for all, Richard set up evening classes for working class people at Owens’s College in Manchester. In 1879, Richard married Emmeline Goulden. The couple had five children, including Christabel and Sylvia, who would later play a predominate role in the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU).

What was Richard Pankhurst was Responsible for?

In 1883, Richard resigned from the Liberal Party due to policy issues. He then became an Independent candidate for a by-election in Manchester. Although he was defeated in the election by 18, 188 to 6,216 Richard campaigned on a radical programme that included:

In 1885, Richard moved to London where he joined the Fabians Society, where he protested against police behaviour during 'Bloody Sunday' in 1887.

Richard Pankhurst lived in London until his death on the 5th of July, 1898, due to several years of suffering from severe gastric ulcers.