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Crimson's Spin


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Crimson Scorpion, The Infamous Adventurer..., Buccaneer & Enforcer of FUN...


You don't stop playing when you get old.

You get old because you stop playing.

                          - Quote from Protagonist, Site Administrator, UKSims Forum.

When we are born it becomes inevitable that we are going to die. At the moment of our birth the clock starts ticking. What follows next is the 'Journey of Life'. There are no set guidelines as to how you should lead your life, that part's totally up to you. 

But I will say this, your subconscious is recording the whole journey & will play it back to you many times over. So try to fill this journey with as many Happy experiences as possible. Always try your best to have FUN. When you have to do something you know isn't fun, try to find a way to make it fun.

Life can sometimes seem cruel, but is it really? Character is formed by the number of obstacles we have to overcome, & the means in which we use to overcome them. Character forms strength. We can then use this strength to have some form of control over the path in which we decide to follow during our lives.
Goals. Make realistic Goals to aim for. No point in trying to reach for the stars if you can't even reach the ceiling. Unrealistic goals only end in disappointment. If you do manage to reach your goals, make new ones. Never stop trying, never stop living.


You can completely ignore all this & just PLAY!