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The epic saga of Jules and Lex, who were there when it all began; "Ginger", who is not to be mistaken for the Spice Girl of the same name; Whisper, who actually screams; and Ashley, the straight crossdresser. Together, the are the Fishy Umbrellas, a no-fixed-genre band. Because God likes 'em that way. Currently, they are working on their first album. This will include Un Million Pissenlits, or A Million Dandelions, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The Fishy Umbrellas are the property of God. Insofar as the Angel knows, God has no idea why anyone would want to steal them, but don't steal them anyway. And boy, that was a messed-up sentence. Oh yeah, and these stories are not quite in their original form, as God has given the Angel implicit permission to muck around with the spelling and suchlike. So, without further ado, on to Confectionary Preservation 101!
  -- the Angel

1: Confectionary Preservation 101
In which Julian meets Lexus, and vice-versa. Beware of the chocolate mousse.
2: Life's A Bitch, And Then You Move In With Your Best Friend
Ah, home sweet home.
3: Enter... The Girl. (A.K.A. The Birth of Jules and Lex)
Paramedics and Castlegar and more Angel Food Cake.
4: Fishy Umbrellas?
And now the Fun starts.
5: So Those Guys Have Names, Right?
Crossover characters!
6: Or the Chapter in which Julian Starts being an Asshole
No spoilers in that title. None at all. Oh yes, and: Enter Whisper.
7: You're Going on Tour!
In which Dorian is an idiot.
8: The Yellow Apron
Tah-tah-tah-tah! (That was supposed to be a fanfare.)
9: (I Think.)
In which Whisper Drives Dangerously and Lexus is molested in the bathroom.
10: [untitled]
In Which Dorian Drives Like a Turtle on Tranquilizers and Our Protagonists Arrive. Also, Picnic Tables.
