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Chapter Nine : (I think.)

The car was too small. Really too small. And the amount of people crammed into the car was probably illegal. It was a nightmare, they were so close together. It was terrible. Who knew that four instruments and six people could fit into a Dodge Omni? Well, they could, but it wasn't comfy. It was crowded and hot and it smelled bad. They were driving on a highway, a flat desert-like plain. They didn't know there was a desert-like plain in The Country, but there it was.

They looked down the flat, flat landscape.

"Is that... the City?" Dorian (who was, much to his chagrin, sitting in Griffin's lap), pointed across the plain to the shimmering silver thing in the distance.

Griffin glared at him. Lexus raised an eyebrow, shifted Julian, who was for some reason (you know, other than 'cuz I said so. *gives you a Look* -- God) sitting on him, and turned to look at where Dorian was pointing.

"I can't tell, we're moving too fast." He gave Whisper a meaningful look; she ignored him and floored it. More. Wheeeeeee... (So, if he gives her a look and she ignores it, that implies she saw it, which means... she wasn't looking at the highway. Eep. -- Angel)

But, then, of course, there was a siren noise and blue and red flashing. (PORK! -- Angel)

"Well... shit."

Whisper pulled over and rolled down the window. The officer, looking all big and macho and manly and police-y (I don't care if that's not a word. -- God) (Righty-o. -- Angel) strolled to the window.

"License and registration." Whisper pulled out her wallet and presented the documents. "You do realize you were going 50 km (Who lives in Canada? -- God) over the limit, no?"

"Well, of course I was, we have to be there in twenty hours, if we want ot eat and sleep before performing we gotta get there fast," she said, fighting the desire to floor it, dead certain she could out-drive the cops... but they were running low on gas.

"Umm.. can you guys hurry up?" Lexus asked. "I hafta pee."

"Are you serious?" Julian cried.

"Yeah. Could you, y'know, not sit on me please?"

"Oh, sure, sorry."

After a small adjusting of seating, Lexus was happier.

"Umm... can another of you drive?" the police officer asked.

"Hell yeah," Lexus said.

"Okay... umm... I guess you can go." (o.O ... Mmm, divine intervention. -- Angel)

Lexus traded seats with Whisper and nearly floored it.

"Bathroom... bathroom... gas station... where are you?" After about five minutes of driving he saw it. It, in all it's glory. A Gas Station. "Yeah!" He floored it into there. He stopped the car at a pump, jumped out and ran into the store. After a few minutes a bouncy red-headed lady bounded over to them, in Her green skirt and Her 'I Hate Myself and I Want to Die' (rainbow, heart, heart) t-shirt. Whisper climbed into the driver's seat.

"How might I help all y'all?" the lady asked, smirking -- er, smiling sweetly.

"Ummm, you see that guy who just ran in there? He's looking for a bathroom..." Julian said slowly. The lady smiled some more.

"Not my field. Angel'll take care 'a that. Her job after all. Need gas? Refreshments? I'm the gas jockey, refreshments be in that store there." She continued to smile. "So, can I be of service? Or can I return to my.. ah... reading?"

"Oh.. umm... yes, we need gas," Whisper said.

Griffin looked at the sign. "Holy shit your gas is cheap," he exclaimed... with great suprise. 34.5 cents, you'd be suprised too, no?

"Would you like some?" She pressed, still smiling.

"Sure," Dorian said. The lady beamed, which was difficult, because She was still smiling. God damned people-person-type-people. (*snicker* -- God) She set to work as the the group piled into the store.

There was a lovely lady behind cash, short (sorry, but You Are Short Now. -- God) (I'm already short... -- Angel) and trying to smile as much as the red-head but failing. Sort of a half-smile. There was also: a tallish guy dressed in what looked suspiciously like a Sailormoon!villain outfit; a pregnant woman and some guy who may or may not have been married to her; and a little girl wearing silver coveralls and had wings. Wings?

"Does that girl have wings?" Dorian asked. The girl turned. She was holding a cup of coffee. She smiled.

The redhead lady re-appeared, and the girl curtsied (because if she didn't she would be smited... smote... whatever -- God) and handed the redhead lady the coffee. She sipped it, handed it back and walked... umm... north, straight into the back of the store.

Lexus was happy, sure, this bathroom was kinda gross and scary, but he was seen worse. Like the gas station bathroom that was really an outhouse. That was gross. He was washing his hands when a redheaded lady walked in. He did a double-take.

"Wh-what are you doing here? Isn't this the men's washroom?" he asked. The lady smiled.


"But -- but... But!" Lexus concluded.

"Good song."


"Never mind." She sighed. "You humans are all alike, honestly. This gender thing is -- such -- a big deal to you guys. Honestly."


"You humans are all way too -- wait, no, I have other things to talk about. Stop distractiing me."


"I said 'stop distracting me', let me finish my thought."


"As I was saying, you puny mortal, although, you are a rather attractive puny mortal and you have kick-ass pants, where-ever did you get them?" (ME! ... okay, canonically he got them from his aunt, but they were my idea. -- Angel)

"My aunt g--"

"Hey, I'm not done yet."


"You'd better be."

"Umm.. really sorry?"

"Okay, right, so, Lexus, tomorrow, at 7:13 and 29 seconds PM, you will depart from where you are performing and go to the nearest public washroom. For reasons beyond your control you will run into a little boy and give him a concussion. Okay? If you don't do it, I'll smite, okay Lexus?"


"Alright, Lexie, don't let me down." She turned and walked through the door.

"Hey, I never told you my name!"

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