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If you can't fly'em, drive'em

Best job I ever had. Comiso AS

A Tribute to GLCM Rangers Listen closely and I will tell you a tale from not so long ago, about places far, far away and of young GLCM men and women who gave their hearts and souls. Lest you don’t forget, A wall once divided nations, built only of steel, wire and stone. People and machines put up the wall but flesh, heart and desire brought it tumbling down alone. A lonely GLCM Ranger stands guard over a time well past. To a shadow passing he challenges ………. , “Berlin Wall” the reply ……… “ it didn’t last.” Forever in his mind are the sights and scents of the base and field. His memories are a little faded now but this is what he feels. TEL’s and LCC’s called CV’s were the most important things of the time. and something called “oh ! what was it ?” Oh yeah, that’s it ! the BGM-109 Take care of them, nurture them and treat them much like dolls. protect them with your very lives. for the time for them to go, will come, should their nation call. Guard shifts in the middle of the night Foxholes and fields of fire 96 wooden crosses that showed someone else’s desire. Chem suits and decon, my lord who could forget. with those things and your LBE, you’d get soaking wet. General Release Orders, Birds pointed to the sky, Generators belching smoke waiting for the word to fly. thank goodness the word never came for we would surely die. Looking through your NVG just before the night. Hoping to spot that sneaky man so you could be the one to call it in and start the fight. The rattle of a 60 the pop of the M-16 Man, when we get real ammo we’re gonna be good and mean. Enroute launches and flight relocations, what a party !! oh no not really.. I’m tired of looking and smelling like a shrub and dragging 40 lbs of gear What I’d really like is a good hot shower and be at the club drinking a beer. Garrison Activities however seemed so dull 101 things to do…. You’d want to crush your skull Some you might say could downright suck Refuel and Resupply being some or how about, “Hey Airman, wash that truck” Old comrades now there’s not many around. Mostly scattered with the wind. Only ones left in my heart along with a feeling of satisfaction and that I’d do it all over again. You won’t hear any lowly taps from the bugle or see any missing man formation. There’s not any tomb of the unknown GLCM soldier or twenty-one gun salutes from a nation. Stand down GLCM Rangers ENDEX has come and gone… Smile and be happy, be anything but down. Stand proud with the memories that you and your buddies were the one who made the wall come crashing to the ground Author unknown.

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