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Mandi Luvz Ya!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Mood:  on fire
"I can feel myself weaken under the caress of your thriving touch.... you want me just about as much as i could possibly want you....the night starts out slow and things start to heat up.... now i grow weakened.... weakened by the thought of what could possibly happen. take me and render me captive.... for my body aches for your penetrating touch.... let the night last for as long as it'll go....."

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 12:19 PM EDT
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Mood:  happy
Besidez the fact of being so damn tired i am also extremely happy. I went for my driving test 2day 2 get my license and i PASSED... WOAH! HOTT! o im lovin this.

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 12:15 PM EDT
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Monday, April 25, 2005
I am just like soooo osm!!!!
Mood:  hug me
Hmmm.... i am like extremly blah today. i feel like shit although on the contrary i am in the best damn mood possible. oh it feels so great to actually finally be in an osm mood. lol.

OMG tomorrow i'm going to the driving center thingy and takin my drivin test for my license.... woo hoo fun fun! i so have to pass that otherwise i wont b able to go out partyin and shit like dat.... but newayz.... i dunno. today isn't the greatest day for me. (*sigh*) OH WELL!

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 12:20 PM EDT
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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Mood:  chillin'
Hmmm.... this weekend is going to b quite interestin. but hmm... what should i possibly choose 2 do. should i go out with Robbie and BJ or should i go 2 a party with Jesse????? damn that is like such a hard decision! o well ill eventually figure it out.

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 12:20 PM EDT
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Mood:  mischievious
Well i finally figured out what i am goin 2 do... lol. i've made up my mind to keep robbie... as hard as i tried to just let this pass me by i couldn't, there waz somethin inside of me that tells me that i should keep at it, to never give up and have all the damn fun you can. lol.

im so fuckin bored...errr.... this sux. lol.

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 12:19 PM EDT
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Hmm... what 2 do?????????
Mood:  flirty
wow i'm quite confused at this wonderful moment in time... just kinda like wonderin what i should do?, who i should try for?, who i should give up on and who i shouldn't??

Should i stay with Robbie and keep tryin for him and hopefully eventually he'll come around?? or should i just give up?? and if i do give up should i then try for BJ??

let's see ~*ROBBIE*~ he's really nice and really really hott and me and him have soo much in common and when we're 2gether we have sooo much fun.

Now ~*BJ*~ on the other hand is really hott also and he's pretty cool 2 hang out with, and he has like a really fuckin osm truck... it's 1 of them Dodge Rumblebee trucks and it's just like awww hott......

wow... let's see hmm... what should i do???

ne wayz besidez the fact that ah... i'm quite confused at this point... im quite happy also... no work til thursday... then i soooo can't wait til this weekend...
*****PARTY TIME!!!*****
fun fun fun. lol.

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 12:12 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:14 PM EDT
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Mood:  d'oh
Life blows..... like extremely. lol. Yeah no work til Thursday. lol.

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 8:48 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:52 AM EDT
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Mood:  hug me
I can simply not tell you how bored i am right now. lol. O Wow it's like soo osm outside! Feelin kinda bummed cauz i didn't get to c Rob yesterday and i wont be able to c him 2day cauz he's gonna to help his dad out soo i'mm just like all depressed and shit. but he's goin 2 call me 2night and i'll b all happy again. lol.

Posted by extreme5/mandibaby at 1:44 PM EDT
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