Chapter 56

John hung up the phone, a look of dread and fear creeping across his brow.

"What’s wrong? Someone showed up at ‘D’s house?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. The police."

"Are you shittin’ me? What did they want?"

John sighed loudly. "I’m not sure, but Howie said for you to take Fiona home with you tonight."

Nick was highly alarmed by John’s demeanor and Howie’s request. Could it be that Stephen was in town and it was him that had showed up at the club? If so, they were all in for a bumpy ride considering Fiona and Kris shared the same house until recently. Not to mention the fact that he was now involved with Fiona. And, what about John? He was living at his parent’s home for the time being. They certainly didn’t need John leading Stephen back to their home. Nick needed answers, he needed to talk to Howie.

"Does Howie think that it was Stephen that showed up here tonight? And who is Sarah?"

"Yeah, he’s pretty sure it was Stephen. Sarah was Kristina’s best friend from college."

"What does she have to do with all of this?" Nick asked.

"She showed up at the club this morning to warn my brother that Stephen is in town and that he wants revenge."

Nick was flabbergasted. "How the hell does she know that?"

"She’s Stephen’s twin sister" John said flatly.

"Get out!" Nick exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Holy Shit! It just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?"

"Yeah, I’m afraid so."

Nick stood and began walking towards the office door. "I guess I’ll call ‘D’ tomorrow and get the scoop."

"NO!" John shouted, startling Nick.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I don’t think he was gonna tell Kris just yet. He has BIG plans for tomorrow night and he probably doesn’t want to ruin the mood."

Nick sensed that John knew more than he was telling about Howie’s plans but he decided to let it go and not ask.

"I’m gonna take Fiona home now, will you be okay?"

John laughed softly, waving his hand at Nick. "Yeah – Go on and have fun! I’ll be fine."

"Call if you need me" Nick called over his shoulder.



Sneaking up behind her, Nick slipped his arms around Fiona’s waist and nuzzled her neck. "You ready to go, doll?"

"Hell yes!" she said as she ripped off her apron and laid it on the counter.

Nick was unsure of her mood as she grabbed her things and started out the back door of ‘Tabu’. She seemed angry but he couldn’t imagine what had set her off in such a short period of time.

In the now empty parking lot, he reached for her and reeled her in close enough that he could feel her breath against his neck. He bent and kissed her softly, his teeth grazing her bottom lip. She relaxed and settled in against him.

"Are you okay, babygirl?"

"I am now" she whimpered.

"Want to tell me what has you so upset?"

"Not really. I just want you to hold me."

He stepped back and smiled. "Let’s go pick up some of your things. I want you to come stay with me for a few days. Then, after we get home, I’ll hold you all you want."

Fiona could tell something was up by the way he avoided her eyes when he mentioned coming to stay with him. She suspected it had something to do with the guy from earlier, that it was more than him just wanting to spend time with her, it seemed as though he needed to have her with him.

"Is everything okay with you?" she asked.

Looking around, he walked towards the car and waited for her to get in. When she was safe and sound in the car, he went around to the driver’s side and climbed in as well.

"Nick?" Fiona whispered. "What’s wrong?"

"The man that was in the club earlier tonight might have been Stephen."

Fiona’s hand instinctively went to her mouth, stifling the gasp that threatened to escape. "Oh my God!"

"Howie knows what happened earlier but he doesn’t want Kris to know just yet. He doesn’t think that Stephen is aware of the fact that she is alive, but he suggested you stay at my place for a little while to be safe. We don’t know just how much Stephen knows just yet," Nick said as he watched the horror spreading across her face.

After a long silence, she said, "Thank you, Nick,"

"For what?"

"For being here today, tonight, right now."

Once again he leaned in and kissed her sweetly and lovingly as he caressed her cheek. Pulling away he stared deeply into her eyes as he spoke. "It’s the only place I want to be, Fi."


After taking enough clothes and miscellaneous items that she needed, Fiona locked the house and helped Nick load the remaining few bags in his car.

Fiona settled in for the long drive back to Nick’s house, her mind wandering from random thoughts to hopes of the future to come with Nick by her side.

As Nick held her hand, she fell asleep to the soft hum of the engine. She wouldn’t wake up when they finally reached his house nor would she wake as he carried her inside and put her to bed. HIS bed, where he could watch her sleep and wake up next to her in the morning.

Chapter 57       Index