Chapter 57

The next morning Howie was up and out of the house early. Something he normally didn’t do. He had many things to arrange before his proposal of marriage that night and he knew that Kristina would distract him too much if he stayed home long enough to see her when she woke. He decided that he would just call her later and tell her to take the vette and go to the spa for the day. He had arranged for her to spend the day at the spa because he wanted to make sure that she was relaxed and refreshed for the evening ahead, plus, that would give him time to sneak home and place the dress he had bought for her on the bed, along with instructions. He was excited, yet nervous about what he was going to say when he asked her to be his wife. He wanted it to be perfect. Would she accept? Would she think he was rushing? Was it possible that she didn’t love him as much as he loved her? He shook the latter thoughts out of his head, knowing in his heart that she loved him every bit as much as he loved her.

After going to the restaurant and making sure his plans were followed explicitly, he called home from his cell phone.

"Dorough residence" she said as she answered.

"Hey angel. Did you sleep well?"

Kristina lay back against her pillow and smiled. "Yeah. Where are you and why aren’t you here in bed with me? I didn’t get a chance to make up for last night’s broken promise."

"I had some things to take care of that couldn’t wait. But, don’t think that you’re off the hook that easy, baby. I remember what you promised and I’m going to hold you to it" he growled.

"Ummm.... believe me, ‘D’, that’s one promise I have every intention of keeping" she purred. "Now, when are you coming home?"

His cock strained against the fabric of his shorts as she teased him, making it harder to concentrate on the task at hand, which was getting her out of the house.

"I’m not coming home anytime soon, Kris. I left the keys to the corvette on the kitchen counter along with directions and a gift certificate to the Sun Valley Spa. You have an appointment at eleven with Heidi. You can count on being there all day and when you leave, I need you to come straight home. Okay?"

"What’s going on, ‘D’?"

"Nothing baby. I just wanted to pamper you while I take care of some business, and then afterwards we are going out for dinner."

Changing the subject she asked, "Why were the police here last night?"

"Something happened at the club. Remember John calling first? It’s no big deal, really! Quit worrying about all of that and go relax at the spa. I want my girl feeling incredible for me tonight."

"Thanks, ‘D’" she said, smiling to herself.

"I love you, angel."

"I love you too," she said as they both hung up the phone.

Chapter 58       Index