Chapter 49

Sarah stood in the mirror admiring the way the skimpy black bikini accentuated her large breasts and small hips. It was definitely a bathing suit she would have chosen for herself had she been given the choice. And just as AJ had promised, it still held the original tag attached to the seam of the bikini bottoms.

"Nice job, Alex" she said aloud as she smiled at her appearance. Pulling her hair into a ponytail, she folded her clothes neatly and laid them in the chair next to the window before heading out to the pool area.

She could still hear AJ talking to whomever it was that had called as she slipped out the door. The bright Florida sunshine warmed her skin and her heart the instant she stepped from under the veranda. Walking along the poolside, she dipped one foot into the cool water before finding herself drawn into the tranquility of the waterfall at the head of the pool and it’s own mini wading pool. Slowly, Sarah stepped into the knee-deep water and allowed the water from the cascading waterfall to shower her heated body. It was cool and just what she needed to relax. After a few minutes, she emerged, her skin glistening. She found herself face to face with a smiling AJ who was clothed only in a pair of black swimming trunks.

Sarah had been drawn to him from the moment she had met him back at the club, but seeing him standing before her, bare chested, tattoos adorning his muscular arms, sunglasses hiding his deep brown eyes, she shuddered. Her body was quickly betraying her brain, as she looked him over.

"You like the waterfall?" he asked as he moved closer to where she stood just from underneath the stream.

"God yes! I could get used to this."

With an intense look, he put his hands on her waist lightly and pulled her closer. "So could I."

Sarah was trembling now, fearful of losing her grip on the situation. She wanted him, needed him desperately, but would he think she was just another easy lay? Unintentionally or better yet, unconsciously, she traced the outline of the tattoo that encased his navel.

AJ flinched at her touch and the effect it had on him. He wanted her, wanted to touch her tenderly and passionately but he didn’t want to scare her off either. He wanted it to be special, romantic, lasting. He had too many women walk in and out of his life and he was ready for a lifelong commitment, if she was indeed ‘the one’ for him.

"Baby, don’t do that!" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Sarah looked hurt as she stepped back. "I’m sorry. I thought you wanted me as much as I want you."

As she turned away from him, AJ reeled her back in, his arms holding her tightly.

"Please don’t be upset. I do want you; I want you so bad it hurts. But, I want to take this slow and make it last. I need something substantial in my life and if Kristina said we would be perfect together, then I am going to trust her judgment and give it a shot."

Sarah was stunned by his frankness. "But, I live in Los Angeles. How would we ever make that work?"

"I travel all the time baby. Besides, I was thinking of selling this house and buying one out there anyway. Who knows! All I ask is that you keep your mind open to what could be."

"I can do that. But promise me that you’ll at least kiss me goodnight!" Sarah laughed.

"Who says you are going home tonight?" he said with a wink.

Chapter 50       Index