Chapter 50

Fiona woke in the late afternoon, the setting sun glowing in all of its most beautiful pink and red splendor. She sat up and looked around only to realize that she and Nick were the only two people left in the park. Leaning over, she kissed him softly, his arms instantly pulling her to him.

"I thought you were still asleep," she said as she settled in against him once again.

"Actually, I woke up a little while ago but I didn’t want to wake YOU" he smiled.

Fiona sighed contentedly. "That was the best sleep I’ve had in weeks."

"You could sleep like that every night if you come home with me."

Fiona sat upright, wrapping her arms around her knees, staring out at the sunset before her. Slowly Nick sat up too, fearing he had upset her.

After a few minutes of silence, he slipped an around her waist. "You okay?"

She turned to him and smiled. "Yeah. Just thinking."

"About what I said?" he asked nervously.

"Yeah AND other things."

Nick stood and pulled Fiona to her feet, his blue eyes burning a hole in her thoughts. "Am I moving too fast again?"

"Let’s take a walk. I think we need to talk" she said with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

Nick and Fiona walked along the water’s edge, hand in hand as the sky continued to burn off the remnants of the days heat. The colors dancing around them were breathtaking and it was several more minutes before either of them spoke. Nick went first.

"I guess this is all confusing for you, huh?"

Fiona laughed a quiet yet uneasy laugh.

"You could say that. If someone would have told me that in a week’s time I would have met and become friends with you guys, I would have laughed in their face. Now, within just an even shorter period of time, not only have I met everyone except Brian, I have been intimate with Kevin, broke up with Kevin, and come to the realization that you stole my heart long before I ever met you. That’s a lot to process and come to terms with, Nicky. For all I know, I’m setting myself up for major heartbreak if I continue to see you. I’m just not as experienced as you might think. I’ve only been with two men and one of them was Kevin."

Shocked by her confession and jealous that Kevin had made love to her first, Nick stopped dead in his tracks and looked directly into her pale blue eyes as he spoke. "I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I haven’t been with a lot of different women, because the truth is that I have. But, I can tell you that no one has ever made me feel the way I do when I’m with you. You are just so damn honest and simple."

"Oh thanks!" Fiona said rolling her eyes. "Just what I want to be – simple!"

"No baby, that’s not what I meant" he said exasperated. "You make me feel like I can be ME. The REAL Nick Carter, not the Nick Carter everyone expects on stage. I can say what I want and you just laugh and pretend it wasn’t stupid, even if it was. I’m completely comfortable with you, Fi! That makes me want to spend all of my time with you, relaxing, loving, having fun."

"It’s okay, Nick. I understand what you are saying and I’m glad that you feel that way. BUT, what if you get bored with me? I’m sure there are dozens of pretty little actresses and models that would just love to be your girlfriend."

"I don’t want that, Fi. I want someone genuine, like you. Someone who appreciates the simple things in life, someone who is grateful for the chance to have the finer things and yet would be willing to give it all up for a chance at true and lasting love. YOU strike me as that type of woman and that is what I am looking for. Someone like you, DAMNIT!" he said touching her face gently.

Fiona’s heart pounded rapidly inside the thin walls of her chest. Nick wanted her, only her. Could it be that all of her dreams were finally coming true?

Gazing into his eyes, she whispered. "Don’t break my heart, Nick."

He leaned in and smiled as his lips descended upon hers, the kiss passionate yet subtle.

"I won’t" he said as he broke the kiss.

Laughing, Fiona said, "That’s good because Kris would kick your ass if you did!"

"Yeah and then once she’s pissed, I’ll have to answer to ‘D’ too."

"And AJ" Fiona added.

"Oh geez! I guess I better walk a fine line."

Fiona hopped on Nick’s back, allowing him to give her a piggyback ride as they moved towards the blanket and shade tree they had napped under. "I’ll try to keep you in line, Nick" she laughed.

"So, are you going to come home with me tonight?" Nick said as he shot her a big grin.

"I have to go to work in a few hours!"

"Can I give you a ride?" he asked, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Only if you promise to pick me up after my shift is over!"

Chapter 51        Index