Chapter 29

After horsing around in the pool for a few hours, the guys became hungry. Howie and Kevin had decided to make a run to the store for hamburger meat and all the necessities for a good old-fashioned cookout while Nick and the girls stayed behind.

As they left, Kristina was digging for a bathing suit for Fiona to wear the rest of the afternoon, considering she had been playing in the pool in her shorts and tank top.

Nick was lost in video games as the girls headed back out to the pool area for a little sunbathing. Kristina threw a towel at him but he kept his gaze focused on the TV set.

"Dang, he’s lost in those games, isn’t he?" Fiona asked, shaking her head.

Kristina laughed. "He will sit like that for hours!"

As the girls walked outside, Nick turned to look at them. His jaw dropped as he saw that Fiona was wearing a green thong bikini like the blue one that Kristina wore. He wanted her, badly. She did something to him, ignited something in him and he knew that there was definitely a spark between the two of them. But how would he find out how SHE felt without pissing off Kevin? Was it worth the risk?

As Fiona shut the door, she saw Nick watching her and smiled. She liked teasing him, knowing that he wanted her. She had felt his erection pressing against her earlier and she relished in the thought of exciting him. But what was she going to do now? She truly cared about Kevin but something about Nick just wouldn’t release its hold on her. Her head told her to run but her heart told her to go for it.

"Girl, you are gonna get your ass in some SERIOUS trouble if you don’t make up your mind between those two. Howie and I were feeling the tension ALL day long," Kristina said, as she laid out in the lounge chair ready to get some sun.

Fiona sighed. "I know! I know! I keep telling myself that Kevin is the right man for me but every time Nick looks my way, I just get stupid."

Kristina couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s analogy. "Well, you need to weigh the pros and cons of the situation before your relationship with Kevin deepens and someone gets hurt. Besides, his relationship with Nick is very relevant to the groups well being and future success. You know? "

Lying on the lounge chair, Fiona closed her eyes, thinking about what Kristina had just said.

"Hey!" she said sitting up quickly. "I thought Howie told me that Nick wasn’t in town. So, what’s he doing here?"

"Besides interrupting Howie and I? Hmmm…I don’t know!" Kristina said with a laugh and a roll of her eyes. "You’ll have to ask him about that."

"Nah. I think I’ll just keep my distance until I decide what to do about him and Kevin."

"Probably a smart move, Fi. But remember, ultimately its YOUR happiness that is most important!"

Chapter 30       Index