Chapter 30

With the afternoon sun warming them, both of the girls fell asleep in no time, leaving Nick alone in the house playing video games. Ten minutes later the phone rang waking Kristina. She and Nick answered it at the same time.

"Dorough residence" she said as Nick said, "Hello?"

"Kaos? That you?" said the voice on the other line.

Realizing Nick had picked up the phone and obviously the person knew him, Kristina said, "Nick? You got this?"

"Yeah, I got it!"

Giggling she said, "Okay, I’m hanging up now!"

"Yo, Bone! Where are you, man?"

"I just got into town and thought I would see if ‘D’ wanted to go out tonight" AJ said perturbed by the other voice that had answered the phone. "Who was that?

"That was Howie’s girlfriend" Nick said trying to conceal his laughter.

He knew that AJ was going to freak out when he saw Kristina.

The two of them had become good friends quickly, always playing practical jokes on each other and entertaining everyone when they were together. He was angry with her for leaving and hurting Howie but Nick knew that would all melt away when he saw her again.

"Get out! I was beginning to wonder if he would ever date again after that little bitch hurt him. What’s this one like?" he asked, smiling to himself.

"Why don’t you come on over and check her out for yourself? We are going to grill out in a little while. "

"Sounds good. I’ll be there in a few" AJ said excitedly.

"Later dude!" Nick said hanging up the phone, feeling proud of himself.

"Who was that?" Howie asked, startling Nick as he and Kevin came in carrying bags of groceries.

"It was Bone and he’s coming over!"

Howie got a concerned look on his face as he said, "I don’t know if that is such a good idea, Nick. He’s still pretty angry with Kristina. I don’t want him upsetting her."

Kevin smiled and touched Howie’s shoulder. "He’ll get over it the minute he sees her. You know they were partners in crime. Better that he finds out now while we are here to support her."

"Yeah, Kev’s right. I can’t wait to see his face!" Nick said as he helped them put the food away.

Handing Nick a head of lettuce, he looked outside and didn’t see Kristina. "Where is she anyway?"

"She was outside earlier" Nick said shrugging his shoulders.

"She’s not out there with Fiona?" Kevin asked.

"I don’t see her."

Kevin laughed. "Go on! Go find her while Nick and I finish putting the food away."

"Thanks. I’ll be back in a few to get the grill started" Howie said as he went to the glass sliding door and opened it.

"Kris?" he called, startling Fiona.

Groggily she sat up, "What’s up Howie?"

"I’m looking for Kristina. Do you know where she is?"

"No, sorry. Where’s Kevin?" she asked putting her shades on.

"Helping Nick put away the food we bought."

Fiona stood up, realizing that Kristina’s personal effects were gone from beside the lounge chair where they were earlier in the day. "I bet she’s in the bathroom. Her towel is gone and so is her beer."

"Thanks Fi" Howie said smiling. "Remember to make yourself at home here. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks for being so nice to me Howie. I really appreciate it."

He smiled. You’ve been a good friend to both Kristina and myself and I can’t thank you enough" he said as he hugged her tightly. "Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go find my girl!"

Chapter 31       Index