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Martial Arts Reviews

Have you ever bought a video or book based on its description only to find out that it grossly failed to meet your expectations?

Well, then this is the site for you!!!!!

Welcome to the first martial arts books and videos review page.  The goal of this site is to provide an objective evaluation of the martial arts teaching material (books and videos) that are out there. So you the customer would never be caught off guard with what you buy.

Currently, all reviews would come from the books and videos in my library. I would try to place a new review onto this website every week. However, if things get busy, I may just place 2 or 3 reviews at once after two weeks. Just check the "What's New" section to see what I have added. If you prefer, I could also just e-mail you about new changes.

As support for this site increases, I would try and purchase additional videos for review. As far as what videos would be purchased I would take a poll of the regular visitors to my site. I will try to meet the demands of my visitors, however, I would need your support. Therefore, if you decide to make a purchase please do so from one of my affiliated stores. I would always welcome any feedback you may have, so this site may help you better.

Also, if traffic to this site is good enough, I would add additional features such as some sample scans of the books so there is no mistaking the quality of the material you are purchasing.

Feel free to leave feedback by signing my guestbook or contacting me at:

Thank you for your support and interest!!!!


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