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Samus Suit Designs
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Samus in stage one of Suit activation Samus in stage two of Suit activation Samus in final stage of Suit activation
Samus in stage one of Suit activation Samus in stage two of Suit activation Samus in complete stage of Suit activation
	 showing energy whip, zip liner and Special Arm Canon with multiple functions
Click the left side of the picture for the side view. Click the symbol on her chest to see her before she activates her suit.  Click the left side of the picture for the side view. Click her right shoulder for her ball mode Click the left side of the picture for the side view. Click the left arm  for a close up of her Multipurpose arm weapon. Click her right shoulder for her ball mode and the left one for the Auto Drones that each shoulder sphere can morph into. 
Samus has the ability to activate different parts of her suit at any time which means that she can have her energy sword while not in her armor, or just have a helmet on for motorcycle rides, activate just her boots to go across rocky terrain, or just her gun at will. The armor activates instinctively when she is in danger, if she is paying attention.  Samus can also go to different levels of activating different parts of her suit. If she does not want to waste power but she still needs protection, she can stay in this mode. If she needs more offensive power, she can morph just her offensive parts to full strength. If she needs a quick escape, she can just boost up her booster pack and boots. The only thing that Samus can't activate without having the full suit activation is the flight mode, since flying with her rockets is very dangerous and requires stronger armor. The offensive weapons can be powered down since they do not add to her armor. Her ball mode will work without full suit activation and so will the Drones that her shoulder spheres may  morph into. The Energy whip may also be used as a sword and may have a length from a few inches to 20 inches. It is advisable to at least have second level suit activation for the E-whip.
Samus' Suit Design  Ball Mode Auto Drones Arm Canon Wing Mode Controls SSD Upgrades Samus Concept Samus Flirting Ice Suit Gif

All Samus animations were inspired by and used parts of LORDERIC's drawing for his future comic (Metroid: The Core World Legend)