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Step 5

Step 5.  After the motor is in the car it's time for the small stuff.  Like the alternator bracket, crossmember/transmount.  Radiator hoses and all that good stuff.  This page will have all the answers to those problems.  Many days and hours of thinking and fabricating took place here.  Take a look at the pictures.

This is the alternator bracket.  This is nothing but a Chevette alternator bracket with some of it cut off.  The 2 bolts you see in the bracket line up perfactly with 2 that are on the head.  You could drill another hole to make it line up with a 3rd bolt.  But I pulled, and tugged on this thing and it does not budge.  And the belt lines up.  Another thing you will need to do is pound in the valve cover just a little bit on the corner.  You can bearly see it though.  You will also need to re-locate the battery.  Since I took out the heater I moved it back to where the heater used to be.  Eventually it will be going in the hatch.

Next you will need a piece of steel about an 1/8 in thick to make your transmount extension.  By doing this the chevette transmount and crossmember can be used.

This is what the piece should look like.  The center points of the holes are about 1 1/4 apart.  the holes for the chevette transmount should be off set about 1/4 to the passenger side.  And everything lines right up.

This is the finish product.  After bolted up you will need to drill one new hole in the crossmember for the tiny bolt that does not work.  If you try this swap at home and get under the car and start eyeing stuff up, you should get an idea on what exactly to do to this transmount.  By using the chevette transmission mount the stock exhaust bracket will work.

I put these 8th inch spacers between the floor pan and the crossmember to give proper clearence for the transmission.  You will need these because by using the transmount extension lowers the transmount about an 8th of an inch.  This sets the tail stock down just enough to it does not rub the floor boards.  I only had 8th inch steel laying around or I would of used 1/4".

Here's a picture of the chevette crossmember, transmount, transmount extension, and the crossmember spacers.  You will also need to grind away a little bit if the transmssion.  You can see if you look at the picture real close.  The grinding does not interfere with anything important.

You can see in this pictuers the driveshaft just bolts right up.  NO cutting and welding taking place here.

here is the picture of the throttle cable bracket.  It's nothing but a chevette throttle bracket cut down to shape to fit right in the passenger side rear carb bolt.  Some grinding needed.  I do not have the kick down cable hooked up, I just shift by hand.  Much more fun.

Radiator Hoses