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NHBW Archives

This is our past shows here at NHBW.

May 11, 2002

There is so much going on here that we don't know what to do with it all. All of our wrestlers are gearing up for our biggest PPV of the year! This week we kind of took it easy on them.
In the opening, we see Psycho approach Rigor deciding to team up as a tag team and challenge Sex Appeal and any other member of the Clique to a tag match.
With this said, camera goes to Bishop's office. In busts Sex Appeal and Damien Nero. They start on Bishop about the match. Enter-Steel Magnolia telling her guys not to "fuck this up". She refused the match unless Bishop agreed that Sex Appeal gets a shot at the World Title at Legends. Bishop agreed but only if the Clique won their match.
With that, out storms Sex Appeal and Damien with Steel Magnolia basically pushing them out the door.
Out come Sex Appeal and Damien with Steel Magnolia. Doing the taunts that the Clique always do------but what's this? Behind them, Pshyco and Rigor are mocking their taunts. With that, start the match with a fierce attack from behind. This match was short, sweet and to the point. All of the guys from both sides definately made their presence known.
Being as Steel Magnolia was the referee, who didn't know this match was going to be one sided? She was very cruel to the newly formed tag team made up of Psycho and his student, Rigor. She allowed no low blows from them, as the Clique got many in. She never counted a pinfall for them, only for her guys.
Surprisingly enough, she NEVER interfered. At the close of the match, Damien got the win for the Clique as he gave Psycho the Downward Spiral. Steel Magnolia counted that one QUICKLY!!. With that, everyone in the Clique was happy and took the rest of the day off, cancelling the rest of the show.

May 4,2002

Today was the first time in a month we wrestled. It was quite an interesting show,might I add. In the opening, Sex Appeal and Steel Magnolia answered Bishop Vyle's internet challenge. Bloodbath also introduced a new member of their stable, Hugo.
Steel Magnolia set up a handicap match teaming Bishop and Damien, who are known enemies, against Lowrider. In the first match since his return. Another match was also set up, by Lowrider. It was a match with Psycho vs. Sex Appeal to decide which stable Lowrider would join.
1st match:handicap match, Bishop and Damien vs. Lowrider. Even though they are hated enemies, the two of these guys worked well together to start. Once they let their personal differences interfere, Lowrider took a tremendous lead of the match. Lowrider stunned Bishop and Rock Bottomed Damien and pinned him for the win.
After much ass kicking, Bishop retired to his office, only to have Sex Appeal approach him requesting retirement of the Sumner County title. Bishop told him to retire it, he would have to beat him and to name the time and place. Sex Appeal replied, "How about now?" and attacked.
Match 2: Sex Appeal vs. Bishop for retirement of the Sumner County title. After the match proceeding to go both ways, Sex Appeal takes advantage of Bishop being distracted by the Japanese Ref, and takes Bishop down with his G-Spot Drop onto the belt in question. Sex Appeal wins by pinfall.
Match 3: Hugo vs. Matt Korbaine vs. Renegade. This match was a little confusing to start, however, it was a hardcore match, anything goes. Although Matt was pinned early on, he legally returned to the match only to score another win, with the help of his valet-Jennifer Korbaine.
Match 4: Psycho vs. Sex Appeal to determine which stable Lowrider would join. This was a very intense match. These guys fought until they had to be pulled apart by their own. Lowrider proceeded to stand in the middle and turn both stables down. He wants to be on his own. Thus ending the show with a lot of bad feelings between the Clique, Bloodbath, and Lowrider.

April 13, 2002

We went this past Saturday to visit CWF on their turf and had a good show. Lagado wrestled, Dark Rath wrestled Sex Appeal, and Sex Appeal and Devin Steel came in for the Main Event and won the Tag Team Titles from Rigor Mortis and Gonad. Thanks again to CWF for letting us in on their turf. It was an interesting show and I am sure that we will see you guys in the near future. You guys are gonna TRYto win your tag straps back. Anyway, it was a good show. I look forward to the day they come here.

April 6, 2002

Check it out, our PPV was this weekend and it was AWESOME!! Malicious Mischief

March 30,2002

Upon opening of the show, Jimmy came out and said that "Psycho ain't shit" and he also said that he was gonna hand Devin his ass later in the day.
Next, it showed Bishop sitting on the computer and up walks a guy saying he has heard about us and he asked for a contract. He said his name was Anton Crowley. Bishop told him if he could beat Lagado, he would give him a contract.

After that, it showed the Clique sitting in Matt's truck with Jennifer Korbaine. Matt isssues a challenge to American Psycho.

That promo ended with JB saying Devin was about to speak, so he ran to catch it on film. When he got there, Devin went to talk and got interrupted by LaCucaracha handing him some envelopes. They were PSW contracts.
Next was the contract match between Anton and LaGado with Bishop as the guest referee. Anton beat LaGado and got his contract.After the match a tired Anton walked along and met up with Dark Rath in his usual spot, the cemetary. They decided to team up and Anton agreed to watch Dark Rath's back in his upcoming match against LaCucaracha.
While coming back from the cemetary, the camera sees the Clique standing in the same spot, this time Devin and Steel Magnolia walk up and Devin gives Matt and Damien their contracts, which seemed to please both guys.
When Devin and Steel Magnolia walked away, Jimmy came running from behind and jumped Devin. He gave him a pedigree and softened him up for their upcoming match.
Then it was time for their match. A match for the World Title. After both guys beat the hell out of each other for a while, Jimmy retained his title.
After the match, Psycho saw the camera and started talking. He said that Matt was the biggest piece of shit he had ever met. He also told him to "shine up the Hardcore Title" because he was "bringing it home".(In other words, he accepted Matt's challenge.)
The next match-up of the day was Dark Rath and Anton versus LaCucaracha.Dark Rath won with a final cut.
Finally, Sex Appeal showed up. When he did, Devin and Steel Magnolia were there to greet him with his PSW contract. He was elated.

When Devin,Steel Magnolia, and Sex Appeal were walking to the locker room, Dark Rath and Anton ran into them. A fight ensued. With Damien and Matt running in to help beat them down. THE CLIQUE IS BACK.
For the next match of the day we had the Clique facing Dark Rath and Anton Crowley. Definately could be considered a handicap match being that it was 6 on 2. Who couldn't have guessed the outcome of this match, although Dark Rath and Anton did surprisingly well in holding their own for a while.
Last but not least a very anticipated match. Hardcore title on the line, Matt defends against American Psycho. There was no winner, due to time constraints, however, this match gave new definition to the term "HARDCORE". We ran out of time 30 minutes into the match,which continued after that,ending with both participants being pulled apart and physically restrained. This match is sure to be continued in the very near future!!

March 16, 2002

This is the first show we have had since the beginning of the month because it has rained and rained. Anyway, you would think it was a pay-per-view, even though pretty short, cause a lot happend. First off, was a match between Devin and Damien. It was a very intense match considering these guys' feelings for each other. Devin won without any interference from Steel Magnolia who was not seen that much. Next was brothers against each other. El Loco vs. Lagado. This was a pretty good match with El Loco coming out on top. Then, American Psycho made an appearance with CWF as a talent scout for the indies. He claimed that CWF were with him and that Jimmy didn't have enough talent. Then came Matt and his tag team partner? LaCucaracha vs. Gonad and RigorMortis from CWF ,with the victory going to Matt and LaCucaracha. Following this match, Lowrider was stripped of his title and Bishop gave Jimmy the World Title. In this, he wanted to fight and Bishop told him not to put the title on the line. Thus, the next match and last match, was Jimmy vs. American Psycho non-title "prove I have talent match". Unfortunately, for Jimmy, American Psycho won. So he didn't really prove much........yet.

March 2, 2002

This week was a very bad week. We took off for a week to recoop and stay out of the bad weather. Check back next week!!

February 23, 2002

Today was our Pay-Per-View,please check it out: Gallery of Rogues

February 16, 2002

In the opening of the show, the japanese ref retuned and reunited with Del Negro. Then, we were all introduced to the Funk's "boy" Shawn Love.They had a match against LaCucaracha.LaCucaracha pinned them BOTH for the win.Lowrider and Devin Steel had a match for the Tennessee State Title,which was retained by Devin. Sex Appeal and Damien Nero had a match for the Cruiserweight Title with Vyle as the guest referee.The match was a draw which means Damien kept the Title.The main event was a handicap matchup with Devin and Matt Korbaine vs. Damien Nero with Steel Magnolia as guest referee. Nobody actually won this match, but Devin defected to Sinners Inc. taking an unwilling and angry Steel Magnolia with him.Bishop Vyle also announced that there will be a fatal four way match in the PPV. If jimmy Roberts has not returned by then, he will be stripped of his World Title and the 4th member in the match will be none other than Vyle himself.The other 3 are to be decided on in the next week.

February 9, 2002

On our last show, there was a matchup between Devin Steel and Matt Korbaine for the Tennessee State Title with Damien Nero as the referee. Jimmy Roberts' title has been frozen pending a doctor's release for injuries. In the main event, Dark Rath made his first appearance and Damien Nero regained possession of the Cruiserweight Title.

Check back next week for more updates!

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