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Jet Stuff

This is the concept vehicle....

It would use a pulse jet(or two) to power it up to a speed of say (60 mph) at which point the drive would be engaged from the rear axle to the large blower fan..

the momentum and weight of the truck should spin up the fan easily.. as soon as the fan was spun up... the afterburner behind the fan could be lit and the pulse jet(s) shut off.

The thrust from the blower/afterburner would keep the truck moving and the truck would therefore keep spinning the fan (as long as fuel was kept going to the afterburner).. the vehicle in itsself would be part of the engine..(basically serving the purpose of the turbine in a turbojet)...

well at least thats the idea

motor driven jets
propjet truck
pulsejet truck with lawn-mower drivetrain