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Company Overview
Xtream Design is the leading provider in turnkey categorical marketing web design solutions. Our hosted solutions revolve around three strategies for our clients

1. Drive Traffic
2. Capture the User's Identity
3. Communicate to the User with Relevance

We specialize in creating automated, ROI based solutions that fill the marketing and/or sales funnel for business-to-business and business-to-consumer clients. Through careful execution of our categorical marketing strategy, we create web sites that deliver bottom line results.

Our Process
Xtream Design utilizes a best practices process for analyzing and proposing solutions that result in increased sales or a lower cost of doing business. The process is as follows:

What is the typical sales process? What roles within the target company are important to a successful outcome? What motivates a prospect to raise their hand and communicate his/her needs? In short, we get inside the sales and marketing process in a significant way.

Proposals and Recommendations
Once we have all the facts, we can begin the process of integrating our Internet competencies into an effective solution. Our recommendations usually are placed in the context of a proposal for services, including specific action items and deliverables. Generally a design concept created by one of our designers is included in the report.

With client approval, we can then begin the process of implementing the recommended solutions. During this process, we typically post our progress on-line so all of the stakeholders can have input. We do everything in our power to assure complete client satisfaction during this process. Usually, there are mutually agreed upon milestones and timing points in the process. After the implementation is complete, the solution is launched. We usually revisit the site at regular, agreed upon intervals.