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Red Dawn's Josey

Josey is owned and loved by Julie and Paul Oakes of Grand Oaks Farm in Michigan. They are well known breeders, trainers and exibitors of Appaloosa Horses.

Update from owner Julie on 1/16/04
Hi Alicia,
Just got back from the show, Josey did super, she was first place in Jumpers with Weaves, and she knocked a bar in her standard course, but did a nice job on all the tough stuff, including perfect weaves.. Picture coming soon!!
Julie Oakes

Update from owner Julie on 1/5/04
Josey is doing FANTASTIC in agility. She will be going to her first show on January 16, at the Novi Expo Center. Everyone has told me that this is a very tough first show, since it is huge, indoors on mats, and just a big crazy place.. but she has to get her feet wet somewhere, and we don't have any outdoor shows for quite some time. She is only going for one day (the show goes for 3 days) since that will probably be enough for her. Then I think she is going to another show in February, also, and one in March.. then after that she should really be able to hit it hard since our outdoor shows will start.
I have been taking lots of lessons with her, but still have decided to have a handler show her for now.. eventually I may show her myslef also, but for now we will stick with a handler. The handler hopes to get her out of the Novice stuff fast, since Josey is so fast. Too fast for me sometimes!
Also I had the opportunity to take her to a place and have a handler work her on sheep. This lady doesn't do lessons, but offered to take Josey and see what she thought. Josey was VERY interested and did a nice job, just didn't really know what to do. The gal said she was very biddable, and would have no problem with herding... so hope to try to look into some herding lesson in the spring, but for now the agility is keeping us busy. We now have a small fortune in agility equipment, and our indoor riding arena has turned into a dog agility course!! LOL..

We only started really pushing her this fall.. and she just learned as fast as you could teach her.. but I have spent months on her basics, and started her as soon as we got her from you on targeting, following the hand etc.. the last couple months she has progressed so fast I can hardly believe it, but I know we will be reaching a plataue soon!. This first show is a bit early for her.. I think she still needs a couple more months, but it will tell us where she is at.. she does great at home, and can run a full course, but doing it in a huge coliseum with hundreds of dogs, is a totally different story, so I am not expecting a lot out of her. We are taking her to a fun match this weekend so that will be good for her too... she is very social, and loves everyone, but once you get her away from the other dogs, she concentrates on her job and is awesome.
I can't tell you the number of people who have told me what a cool border collie she is, and her markings and small size, and wonderful sweet disposition, make her even more unique..

Update from owner Julie on 6/18/03
Here is a picture of me and my horse, with Josey too.. this ad will be coming out in this months Equine Chronicle...

Miss Josey is doing very well.. very petite.. she is only 25lbs.. and doesnt look like she will get much bigger. She has a medium coat.. and starting to get some feathering on her legs and rear.. but it wont be very thick..
She is doing great in agility.. we wont push her, since she is so young.. so only let her jump about 6" and only let her weave 3-4 poles..since it is hard on her spine.. spending lots of time teaching her to contact, and I am just starting to learn to do series of jumps.. it is much easier for Josey than for me..didn't realize that it was so complex.. all the turns you have to learn and tricks ..If Josey is ready before I am, I will have my instructor show her.. she is very high on Josey, and says she has lots of potential...
We take private agility lessons from a lady who has 3 border collies of her own and competes all of the country, last year she was invited to ESPN great outdoor games with one of her border collies... she thinks Josey may be good enough to go there when she get older too.. we'll see- keep your fingers crossed..

Update from owner Julie on 2/6/03
She is doing great, she is in puppy class.. with about 13 other puppies, she is the youngest.. it is great experience for her...
Also I have a agility trainer, giving me private lessons, this gal is really cool, has 3 border collies, and competes all over the country, her one dog has been featured on ESPN.. she needed a place to work in the winter, so we are letting her use our indoor arena, and she has been helping me with Josey, and also my friend Lois (she was with us in Texas) has a border collie mix, that does agility, so she is helping us with him..we have all the jumps and tunnel etc right here at my place, so we just spend a few minutes with the stuff every great.. come spring, she said she would continue to give us private lessons at her house.
Also this gal, takes herding lessons with her one dog, so I am going to tag along with her sometime. Only so much I can do with Josey now, since she is so young.. but so far everything I introduce to her, she takes right in stride..
Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to purchase her.. hopefully she will do you proud..

Josey with brother Wyatt looking at the baby horse

Red Dawn's Josey


Josey is a blue merle tri border collie. She was born November 5, 2002. Her father is Red Dawn Paris and mother is Red Dawn Merlot.