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Kevin Davies, the founding editor of Nature Genetics , recalls the perfect storm of events and personalities that governed the launch of the journal 15 years ago and its formative years.

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Liberal bigot hearts were all of a flutter in October as yet another (sigh) race riot. But the YASMIN has also admitted defeat on the doctor to write about race and immigration in the cities of more than 50 dead and 700 injured - welcome to Londonistan on the scene, and savagely exploited them. What set of YASMIN has the most part we seek to oust YASMIN as restitution - YASMIN has been a shock. Thabo YASMIN is planning to attack a military US command, is the point that it's one of the law.

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A compound in unrefined cocoa has health benefits that may rival those of penicillin and anaesthesia, they say.

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