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  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
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    Microsoft ® Word

    A little more in depth


    We covered this in another section, but it should still be addressed. Word is a perfect example where macros save time. Making one to auto-formatt your paper, add your name and headings, and even seting up the date is all imperative to word-processing.

    The Find, Replace Command

    ctrl+h...if you hit that key-board combination a box pops up. You can have word find words and you can replace them. For instance, if you used "like" too many times, you could change some of them in "in compaison to."


    Draw a table, add text...and you're done. Isn't that nice?

    Actualy Word Processing

    Typing is a skill in itself, but the greater task is making a decent layout, especially concerning newsletters. To make everything line up properly and all the fonts work together takes an artist. It's a skill not easily mastered, but well worth the time and effort to. Adding fun things like graphs, spreadsheets, images, and clip-art are all part of making a decent layout.

    There's a lot to do in word, you can even make HTML files, although it's not that easy to do. Word is just a basic processing document with the file extension .doc. Depending on what version (97, 2000) of word you have changes the capibilities and compatibility with other file types and documents. In 97 word can open works, but in 2000 word cannot. It just depends.

    Word vs. Works

    Go with word. Although works has templates, it's more of a thow-away program. It's not bad though, it's just that word is the best.

    Help with Word

    Start with the help menu in word
    Just keep messing around with it until you get it right.
    And there's always the Talking Paperclip/ office assistant.

    Have a Specific Question

    Ask Us and it will be addressed ASAP.

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