• Welcome.
  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
  • Remember to link back to us! Thank you for visiting!

    Web-Site General

    - Home
    - Updates
    - WebMasters
    -E-mail Us
    -Page Information
    - Legal Information


    - BackGrounds
    - CSS Scripts
    - JavaScripts
    -HTML Color Chart
    - DHTML
    - GUI


    - Paint
    - Paint Shop Pro
    - Adobe Photo Shop
    - Flash
    - Gif Animators
    -Microsoft Photo Editor
    - Movie Maker

    Windows Programs

    - Excel
    - Internet Explorer
    -Microsoft Works
    -MS Dos Prompt
    - Outlook
    -Windows Explorer

    Operating Systems

    - 3.1
    -NT 2000
    -XP Pro.

    Other Tips

    - Keyboard ShortCuts
    -Media and Music


    Sadly, this is a one-person web-site. We need a few more people. Interested in helping?


  • E-mail: Helevorn@sailormoon.com
  • AIM: Blondwakegirl
  • Contributions: Version 1 and Version 2. Graphics
  • Feels Best At: Html.
  • Fav. Windows Program: Besides Notepad, Excel is pretty cool.
  • Other Pages: -RPG
    Outer Sailor Haven
  • Current Projects: M-RPG, Page Designs, OSH, Euro-History, Sonic Satellite, AnimeBoom.

    © 2003 helevorn

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