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  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
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    The new stuff.

    Apr. 23.2003 New Beginnings- Helevorn

    Haven't done much... I'm lazy. Microsoft revealed windows 2003 for servers... but linix will always be better. AMD is realseing a chip for 32 and 64 bit processors which might change the world. AOL has been getting a lot of publicity and INTEL has been having problems... oh yay.

    Apr. 15.2003 New Beginnings- Helevorn

    Well, I'm starting version 2. I am currenty 25% done with it at noon. I'm hoping to have this page completed by the first of May. I have a week off of school, so I'm hoping to get the bulk of this done. So, I'm just basically writing huge amounts of information and calling on my collected memory to put this page together. It's a huge page as it is, 52 sections. I think maybe on the next version I'll add Macintosh...I just can't add it now, I have enough to swallow...I'm pretty sure I've bitten off more than I can chew.We'll soon know.

    © 2003 helevorn

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