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  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
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    - GUI


    - Paint
    - Paint Shop Pro
    - Adobe Photo Shop
    - Flash
    - Gif Animators
    -Microsoft Photo Editor
    - Movie Maker

    Windows Programs

    - Excel
    - Internet Explorer
    -Microsoft Works
    -MS Dos Prompt
    - Outlook
    -Windows Explorer

    Operating Systems

    - 3.1
    -NT 2000
    -XP Pro.

    Other Tips

    - Keyboard ShortCuts
    -Media and Music


    Who Remembers Paint on 3.1?

    Paint, the program every kid loves...it's basic, it's clean, it's simple; what more can you ask for? All you have to do is select the tool you wish to use, choose a color and your good to go! There's only one problem with paint...it always looks like crap. No matter what you can't get away from the harsh pixilated look. And if your editing, can we say "1 pixel at a time." But you can change the eraser, it just seems better to turn the pencil to the background color and change the outer edge little by little.

    The Icons

    Going from the left down:
    - Free Form Select/Cut: Transparent or White Background.
    - Eraser: Select from four sizes. Whatever the color behind the top one on the color bar is, is the color of the eraser. -Generally White- Unless you right-click another color on the palette.
    -Color Select: or eyedropper. Selects the color pointed to.
    - Pencil: Either a pen or pencil. One pix. width
    - Air-Brush: A little thicker, and you can choose from three different concertrations of paint.
    - Straight Line: Creates a straight line in the color selected.5 thicknesses to choose from.
    - Quadrilateral: Creates a four sided figure. You can choose from just the outline, outlined and filled, or no outline.
    - Circle: Creates a cirlce.You can choose from just the outline, outlined and filled, or no outline.

    The Right Column:
    - Auto-quadrilateral-type-select/cut: Selects a four sided area. When cut: White or Transparent background
    - Auto-Fill: Fills the color selected in the area selected.
    - Magnify: Up to 8x's magnification.
    - Paint Brush: 12 different styles and whatever color selected.
    - Text Box: Adds text to your image in the color selected. Make sure that under "View" that "Text-Toolbar" is selcted so you can change fonts.
    - Squiggle Line: You draw a line and you can move any section of the line. But you can only change it twice!5 thicknesses to choose from.
    - Polygon Draw: Creates straight lines that connect to the previous drawn.You can choose from just the outline, outlined and filled, or no outline.
    - Rounded Quadrilateral: Makes a quadrilateral with rounded edges.You can choose from just the outline, outlined and filled, or no outline.

    Editing Colors

    Either double click the color, or just go to "Colors" then "edit".

    Better Programs?

    Heck yeah! Theres a ton of programs that are better than paint. Some range from free- like old versions of Paint Shop Pro- to expensive -like Adobe for about $500. If you're not doing professional editing, you don't need a five-hundred dollar program, now if someone gives it to you...take it and run with it. You'll see a vast improvement in your images. Paint Shop Pro is a middle of the road program, it works pretty well, and if you buy the new one it's about $100. Or just download some of these programs. Just make sure they're from a reliable source, or better yet...do trial downloads before you buy it.

    The Bottom Line

    If you never use it, then who cares? But if you're trying your hand at digital images and graphic...upgrade to something better.

    Questions? Ask Us and it will be addressed ASAP.

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