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  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
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    JavaScript. It's used for more than just drop-downs or other web-related. It's used to applets. Here's a little history on JavaScript: -if you want codes please go to the Links Portion of this page.

    JavaScript name terminology

    These names are subject to interpretation by the browser developers. For example, browsers may support what they call JavaScript1.5, but not even support DHTML. This makes the JavaScript version unreliable, DON'T RELY ON IT!

    The core syntax for JavaScript, defining control stuctures, intrinsic objects and variable types, operators etc.
    DOM level 0
    Says how to refer to forms, inputs, images, links and anchors as children of the document object
    Layers DOM
    Says how to refer to positioned elements (layers) and modify their style as children of the document object with nested references
    Proprietary DOM
    Says how to refer to elements and modify their style using the all collection of the document or parent object and the style child object of the element
    W3C DOM
    Says how to refer to elements and modify their style using various getElementBy... methods of the document or parent object and the style child object of the element. Also says how to represent all document elements as a tree structure. Also allows elements to be created, modified or deleted even after the document has loaded
    An early name for JavaScript - not recognised by most browsers
    An early name for JavaScript - recognised by most browsers
    A collective name for all versions of JavaScript
    The first version of JavaScript to be released
    Early ECMAscript + DOM level 0 without images
    Early ECMAscript + DOM level 0
    ECMAscript + DOM level 0 + layers or proprietary DOM
    More advanced ECMAscript + DOM level 0 + layers or proprietary DOM
    Server side JavaScript
    Even more advanced ECMAscript + DOM level 0 + W3C DOM
    Microsoft's JavaScript variations with extended core features
    Active scripting
    Microsoft's user friendly way of saying 'jscript'
    WebTV's interpretation of JavaScript
    iCab's interpretation of JavaScript


    Netscape 2 was released in early 1996 and offered completely new technologies created by the Netscape group, the most important of which were frames and JavaScript. JavaScript was a programming language written by Brendan Eich that was able to be embedded in web pages and could process numbers and modify the contents of forms. While in development, JavaScript had been known as LiveWire then LiveScript. Its core script syntax closely resembled Java, so it was renamed JavaScript when it was released. The way it referenced forms, links and anchors as children of the document object, and inputs as children of their parent form became known as the DOM level 0.

    The same year, Netscape passed their JavaScript language to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) for standardisation. The ECMA produced the ECMAscript standard, which embodied the JavaScript core syntax, but did not specify all aspects of the DOM level 0. With the release of Netscape 3 later in the same year, Netscape had produced JavaScript 1.1, which could also change the location of images, bringing on a wave of web sites that used this most popular of web page effects, making images change when the mouse passed over them. The images were also referenced as children of the document object and thus the DOM level 0 was completed.

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