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  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
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    Gif Animators

    A General Overview.

    There are literally hundreds of gif animators. But they all work generally the same. If you want to upgrade your page, this is a good way. It's simpler that Flash, but you'll still get the animation. Besides, it's smaller and it still looks ok.

    The Process

    Most gif-animators make a animation out of images previously made. Which means you have to make all the little images first. If you want something circleing something, you better have the stationary object in the same place everytime, otherwise it'll look like they're both moving. Normally this isn't to hard, just copy and paste.
    The Next Step: Save all the images in a folder together, preferably with sequential names. That way you'll know which image was first, second..etc. 1.gif, 2.gif...Classic names.
    Open your gif animator. Depending on which on. You might have to copy and paste, or you might be able to do an animation wizard where you put in the images you want in the order you want and it basically does the rest.


    Timing is everything. If your gif is too slow or too fast, it's not going to look at good. For this matter play with the timing until it's just right...which isn't that hard to do...and then see how much of a difference it makes.


    Go to a search engine...and see what you find. Animation Studio, gif Animator3... they'll pop up in the search.

    The Bottom Line

    It's better than stationary and it's small. It's faster than flash, but doesn't hold flashes capibilities.

    Questions? Ask Us and it will be addressed ASAP.

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