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  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
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    Oh how interesting

    Three Major Types::
      Operating System Files
        Application Files
          Data Files

        Format of Files

        Name of file DOT extension
        Examples- filename.doc -wordprocessing.doc game.exe
        DOS used to limit file names and extensions to a maximum of

          8 for filename and
            3 for extensions
          Most extensions are still only 3.

          Filenames are limited to about 250 characters, including the entire path. Example: A:/windows/applicatoins/games/game.exe

          In thie example, the bold face in included in the 250 sixe limit. This means you can usually name the file with a ver descriptive name. However, file handling is harder if the name is too long. 30 number/letters is a good guide.

          Typical Extensions
          -note that Windows Explorer turns off the showing of extensions-

          System Extensions: com, dll, sys,reg, tmp, dat, ini, mbd, hlp

          Applications extensions: exe, bat

          Data Extensions: txt, doc, rtf, bmp, jpg, gif, htm, xls, ppt- these you are probably most familiar with.

          Remember: Just because the extensions is one type- it may be another kidn of file. An example would be a txt, bmp, tmp. They could all be either a system fil, or a date file. It then depends on where it is located.

          Here's a good rule: Before you delete a file, make sure it's yours, and make sure it's not important.

          © 2003 helevorn

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