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  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
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    The Formulas...that's the part most want to know...The basic Formulas

    SUM: =SUM(cellname:cellname)
    Max Amount in a select area:=MAX(B2:C3)
    Min Amount in a selct area:=MIN(C1:C3)
    Rounding a Cell:=ROUND(C2,0) the 0 is how many digits after a decimal.

    IF statements

    Finding true and false statements:
    you can use these signs for equality equasions:
    = equal to
    < Less Than
    >Greater Than
    <> Not Equal
    <= Less than or Equal to
    >= Greater than or Equal to

    More About Formulas

    Anything you can do with a calculator you can do in Excel.
    There are so many more formulas, like interest, percent.
    * Multiply
    / divide
    + Add
    - Subtract
    : through

    Writing Formulas

    There is more than one way to average cells for instance:
    Just always start your formula with a =.
    Excel also includes a feature so that you can check your fomulas. They also include some for you to use.

    The Spread Sheet

    As a spreadsheet it stores three types of data:

    Using these three things you can create elaborate spreadsheets. You can link them together, you can pull information for formulas off other sheets. You can do anything. It's easy to create a check register. Add one column and subtract another everytime and it's automatically balanced.

    Store and businesses use excel to keep track of inventory and money. There's only one problem, if you mess up a formula you can potentially mess up everything. If you keep using that messed up formula, or if you keep refering to the value created by the formula you're in for trouble.

    A Cool Feature

    A cool little feature is the fill button. You can write one formula and apply it to many colums and cells. In example if you were averaging grades for students you could do the average code once and fill down. As long as you don't make the cell referance absolute by putting $ before the cell name, the spread sheep compensates. Cool.

    Questions? Ask Us and it will be addressed ASAP.

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