• Welcome.
  • Last Updated: Apr.16.2003
  • Remember to link back to us! Thank you for visiting!

    Web-Site General

    - Home
    - Updates
    - WebMasters
    -E-mail Us
    -Page Information
    - Legal Information


    - BackGrounds
    - CSS Scripts
    - JavaScripts
    -HTML Color Chart
    - DHTML
    - GUI


    - Paint
    - Paint Shop Pro
    - Adobe Photo Shop
    - Flash
    - Gif Animators
    -Microsoft Photo Editor
    - Movie Maker

    Windows Programs

    - Excel
    - Internet Explorer
    -Microsoft Works
    -MS Dos Prompt
    - Outlook
    -Windows Explorer

    Operating Systems

    - 3.1
    -NT 2000
    -XP Pro.

    Other Tips

    - Keyboard ShortCuts
    -Media and Music

    CSS Tips

  • You can combine codes to make it load faster
  • It's a fast way to set up pages
  • You can link them using the code below:
  • Cascading Style Sheets

    Hover Buttons

    Changing Font Color

    Changing Font Backgrounds

    Changing Font to Uppercase

    Changing Font to LowerCase

    Blinking Links

    Line Over Hover Links

    UnderLine Hover Links

    Changing Font Color

    Line Through Hovers

    Changing Font Color

    You can always alter them a little to get what you like.



    Scroll Bars



    Body Background

    Background image

    Background repeat vertically

    Background repeat horizontally

    Background that won't Scroll



    © 2003 helevorn

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