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    The Run of 0's and 1's to turn switches on and off

    Binary is a two digit code used to program -older stuff-. It's basically used to turn switches on and off, telling the computer what to do...like a sequence. Each 0 and 1 have different values depending on their place value. The best way to explain is for you to look at your left hand. Consider each finger a switch, and close you hand into a fist shape. You current hold the value zero. Put your thumb up, your thumb is considered the first digit and is given a value of 1. Putting you thumb down, put your index finger out. You now hold the value of 2, it doubles per finger. Putting index down, and middle up, you get the value of four. Putting middle down, and ring finger up, you hold the value of 8. Putting ring down and pinky up, you hold the value of 16.

    How does this help you might ask? It gives you a visual idea of the switches. If you had both thunb and index up, you'd have 3. 1 (thumb)+ 2(index)= 3 (thumb and Index). In this manner you can count to 31 on a single hand, never using the same combination. Remember when I said it was only two digits though? 1's and 0's? That's where the fingers also come in. 1 has the binary value 01. where as three has the binary value 011. If you read the numbers Right to Left you can add the numbers for instance, each one in 011 is a finger up and each zero is a finger down. This way, it easy adds to three.

    Each digit it twice the previous value so 10000 is 16 and 100000 is 32. 32 starts on the thumb of you left hand. It ends at 256. then you just keep doubling it, but you run out of fingers and it's hard to use your toes.

    Adding and Subtracting Binary

    There's no real trick to this. Convert the numbers into arabic -the standard 1,2,3 etc- then do math, then put that number into binary.


    You might have noticed that you just drop them down, but it doesn't always work that way.




    Here's some Problems to Try

    1.) 1000 + 0101=?
    2.) 1010-01=?
    3.) 10001- 100=?

    Answers: 1. 13, 2. 3, 3. 13

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